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Water - Thermal Conductivity vs. Temperature

Figures and tables showing thermal conductivity of water (liquid and gas phase) with varying temperature and pressure, SI and Imperial units.

Thermal conductivity is a material property that describes ability to conduct heat. Thermal conductivity can be defined as

"the quantity of heat transmitted through a unit thickness of a material - in a direction normal to a surface of unit area - due to a unit temperature gradient under steady state conditions"

Thermal conductivity unit converter

The thermal conductivity of water depends on temperature and pressure as shown in the figures and tables below:

See also other properties of Water at varying temperature and pressure : Boiling points at high pressure , Boiling points at vacuum pressure , Density and specific weight , Dynamic and kinematic viscosity , Enthalpy and entropy , Heat of vaporization , Ionization Constant, pKw , of normal and heavy water , Melting points at high pressure , Prandtl number , Properties at Gas-Liquid Equilibrium Conditions , Saturation pressure , Specific gravity , Specific heat (heat capacity) , Specific volume , Thermal diffusivity and Vapour pressure at gas-liquid equilibrium , and Thermophysical properties at standard conditions ,
as well as thermal conductivity o f air , ammonia , butane , carbon dioxide , ethylene , hydrogen , methane , nitrogen and propane . For thermal conductivity of construction materials, see related documents at the bottom of the page.

Water thermal conductivity C

Water thermal conductivity F

Thermal conductivity of water at given temperatures (°C) and 1 bara:

Water - Thermal Conductivity vs. Temperature (1 bara)
of water
Temperature Thermal conductivity
[°C] [mW/m K] [kcal(IT)/(h m K)] [Btu(IT)/(h ft °F)]
Liquid 0.01 555.75 0.4779 0.3211
10 578.64 0.4975 0.3343
20 598.03 0.5142 0.3455
30 614.50 0.5284 0.3551
40 628.56 0.5405 0.3632
50 640.60 0.5508 0.3701
60 650.91 0.5597 0.3761
70 659.69 0.5672 0.3812
80 667.02 0.5735 0.3854
90 672.88 0.5786 0.3888
99.6 677.03 0.5821 0.3912
Gas 100 24.57 0.0211 0.0142
125 26.66 0.0229 0.0154
150 28.83 0.0248 0.0167
175 31.09 0.0267 0.0180
200 33.43 0.0287 0.0193
225 35.85 0.0308 0.0207
250 38.34 0.0330 0.0222
275 40.91 0.0352 0.0236
300 43.53 0.0374 0.0252
350 48.98 0.0421 0.0283
400 54.65 0.0470 0.0316
450 60.52 0.0520 0.0350
500 66.58 0.0573 0.0385
550 72.81 0.0626 0.0421
600 79.17 0.0681 0.0457
700 92.28 0.0794 0.0533
800 105.81 0.0910 0.0611
900 119.67 0.1029 0.0691

Thermal conductivity of water at given temperatures (°F) and 14.5 psia:

Water - Thermal Conductivity vs. Temperature (14.5 psia)
State of water Temperature Thermal conductivity
[°F] [Btu(IT)/(h ft °F)] [Btu(IT) in/(h ft2°F)] [mW/m K] [x 10-3
cal(IT)/(s cm2K)]
Liquid 32 0.3211 3.853 555.73 1.327
40 0.3273 3.927 566.39 1.353
60 0.3408 4.089 589.80 1.409
80 0.3520 4.225 609.30 1.455
100 0.3615 4.338 625.62 1.494
120 0.3694 4.433 639.35 1.527
140 0.3761 4.513 650.91 1.555
160 0.3817 4.580 660.57 1.578
180 0.3862 4.635 668.45 1.597
200 0.3897 4.677 674.49 1.611
211.3 0.3912 4.694 677.03 1.617
Gas 212 0.0142 0.170 24.57 0.059
250 0.0152 0.183 26.33 0.063
300 0.0166 0.199 28.73 0.069
350 0.0181 0.217 31.25 0.075
400 0.0196 0.235 33.86 0.081
450 0.0211 0.254 36.56 0.087
550 0.0244 0.293 42.24 0.101
600 0.0261 0.313 45.20 0.108
650 0.0279 0.334 48.24 0.115
700 0.0297 0.356 51.35 0.123
750 0.0315 0.378 54.52 0.130
800 0.0334 0.400 57.76 0.138
900 0.0372 0.447 64.41 0.154
1000 0.0412 0.494 71.27 0.170
1100 0.0453 0.543 78.32 0.187
1200 0.0494 0.593 85.53 0.204
1400 0.0580 0.696 100.35 0.240
1600 0.0668 0.802 115.63 0.276

Thermal conductivity unit converter

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Unit Converter

