Engineering economics - cash flow diagrams, present value, discount rates, internal rates of return - IRR, income taxes, inflation.
Accounting Rate of Return
Net income vs net investment.
Bid Work Flow Template
A bid work flow template - Online with Google Docs.
Cars - New vs. Old Car Cost Calculator
Calculate and compare the costs between owning a new vs. an old car.
Cash Flow Diagrams
The future value of money.
Compound Interest Tables
Compound interest tables - interests rates 0.25 - 60%.
Discount Rates
The effect of single vs. multiple discounts.
Discrete Compounding Cash Flow Formulas
Discrete payments compounding equations and online calculators .
Effective Interest Rate vs. Nominal Interest Rate
Effective interest rate vs. nominal interest rate in sub-periods.
Income Tax
Income tax vs. taxable income.
Inflation Rate
Future value of money vs. inflation.
Interest Formulas
Future value of single cash flow.
Interest Rate
Interest rate is the cost of money.
Internal Rate of Return - IRR
Internal Rate of Return (IRR) - the break-even interest rate.
Investments in Renewable Energy
Calculate investments in renewable energy.
Markup and Gross Profit
Profit vs. markup.
Net Income
Operating profit after tax.
Net Present Worth (NPW) of a Cash Stream
The value of a stream of payments is called the Net Present Worth (NPW).
Operating Profit
Profit is made when revenue exceeds costs.
Payback Time
Investments and payback time.
Working with relative values.
An asset providing a fixed cash flow.
Present Value
The value of money in the future is the Present Value.
Shipping - Cost, Payment Terms and Conditions (TERMS)
FOB, CFR ...