Human physiology vs. air quality, comfort temperatures, activity and metabolic rates. Health effects of gases adn polutions like carbon monoxide and more.
Age and Physical Growth - Weight and Height
Age and typical physical growth of boys and girls - age 2 to 18 years.
Air Contaminants - Exposure Limits
Exposure limits for various air contaminants.
Ammonia - NH3 - Concentration in Air and Health Effects
Ammonia and health symptoms - smell and threat to life.
Blood Sugar Units
Convert between blood sugar units.
Bodies - Weight vs. Height
Typical ideal body weight versus height.
Carbon Dioxide Concentration - Comfort Levels
CO2 acceptance and comfort level.
Carbon Dioxide Concentration in Rooms Occupied with People
Carbon dioxide concentration in a room may indicate air quality and ventilation system efficiency.
Carbon Dioxide Emission from the Human Body vs. Activity
Carbon Dioxide emission from persons vs. activity.
Carbon Monoxide and Health Effects
Exposure to Carbon Monoxide - CO and health effects.
Clo - Clothing and Thermal Insulation
Clo is used as a measure of clothes thermal insulation.
Clothing, Activity and Human Metabolism
Human metabolism at low and high activity with different levels of clothing.
Discomfort Index
Comfort vs. dry bulb, wet bulb and dew point temperature.
Emissions from the Human Body
Gaseous polutants emissions from human bodies.
Food - Energy Content
Energy in carbohydrates, fats and proteins.
Food-borne Infections and Diseases
Common bacteria and viruses found in food.
Force, Power and Human Operated Machines
Maximum force or power available in human operated machines.
Gases - Dangerous Concentration Levels
Dangerous vs. tolerable concentration levels for some industrial gases.
Globe Temperature
The resultant or globe temperature.
Health and Relative Humidity of Air
The optimum relative humidity ranges for bacteria, viruses, fungi, mites, asthma.
Heat Discomfort Zones
Maximum work load vs. temperature and relative humidity.
Heat Index
Equivalent heat index vs. air temperature and relative humidity - in degrees Fahrenheit and Celsius.
Human Body Composition
Composition of the human body.
Human Effects when Exposed to Low-Frequency Noise or Vibration
Physiological effects from low-frequency noise or vibrations.
Human Effort Levels - Energy and Heart Rates
Human work effort levels vs. energy expenditure and associated heart rates.
Human Heat Gain
Heat gain from persons in air conditioned spaces - in btu/hr.
Human Life Expectancy
Age and life expectancy for men and women.
Human Need of Air
Fresh air is required for respiration and for transport of heat and vapor emitted from the human body.
Humans - Required Rest Time
Relaxation rest time vs. working time and activity.
Illuminance - Recommended Light Levels
Working activities and light levels - required illuminance.
The Legionella Pneumophila bacterium thrives in water supply systems and air conditioning systems - and may cause the Legionnairs disease.
Maximum Sound Pressure Levels in Rooms
Maximum recommended sound pressure levels in rooms like kindergartens, auditoriums, libraries, cinemas and more.
Met - Human Metabolic Rates
Metabiolic Rate - Met - is used as a measuring unit for human body heat or power production.
Metabolic Heat Gain from Persons
Human metabolic heat gain in air conditioned rooms.
Physiology - Activity and Metabolic Rates
Heat production from the human body vs. activity.
Predicted Mean Vote Index (PMV)
PMV index predicts mean comfort response of a larger group of people.
Recommended Relative Humidity
Recommended relative humidity level.
Required Building Space per Person
Room area per person - may be used to calculate typical indoor climate loads.
Sound - Hearing Threshold vs. Age
Shift in hearing threshold for men and women vs. age.
Sound Intensity, Power and Pressure Levels
Introduction to decibel, sound power, intensity and pressure.
Survival Time in Cold Water
Time to exhaustion and death for humans in cold water.
Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT)
The Wet Bulb Globe Temperature can be used to measure the general Heat-Stress index.
Wind Chill Index
Effective Temperature of air in movement.