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Water - Specific Volume vs. Temperature

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Specific volume is the inverse of density, or the ratio of the volume to the mass of a substance:

v = V/m = 1/ρ                                          [1]


v= specific volume, units typically [cm3 /g] or [ft3 /lb]
V = volume, units typically [cm3 ] or [ft3 ]
m= mass, units typically [g] or [lb]
ρ= density, units typically [g/cm3 ] or [lb/ft3 ]

Online Water specific volume Calculator

The calculator below can be used to calculate the liquid water specific volume at given temperatures.
The output specific volume is given as cm3 /g, ft3 /lb, gal(US liq)/lb and ft3 / sl .

Temperatur must be within the ranges 0-370 °C, 32-700 °F, 273-645 K and 492-1160 °R

Choose the actual unit of temperature:

The specific volume of water depends on temperature as shown below:

See Water and Heavy Water - thermodynamic properties.


See also Water Boiling points at high pressure , Boiling points at vacuum pressure , Density, specific weight and thermal expansion coefficient , Dynamic and kinematic viscosity , Enthalpy and entropy , Heat of vaporization , Ionization Constant, pKw , of normal and heavy water , Melting points at high pressure , Saturation pressure , Specific gravity and Specific heat (heat capacity) for online calculatores, and similar figures and tables as shown below.

Water specific volume at temperatures given in degree Celcius:

Water - Specific Volume vs. Temperature
Temperature Specific volume (0-100°C at 1 atm, >100 °C at saturation pressure)
[°C] [cm3 /g] [ft3 /lb] [gal(US liq)/lb]
0.1 1.00015 0.016021 0.11981
1 1.00010 0.016020 0.11981
4 1.00003 0.016019 0.11982
10 1.00030 0.016023 0.11979
15 1.00090 0.016033 0.11972
20 1.00180 0.016047 0.11961
25 1.00296 0.016066 0.11947
30 1.00437 0.016088 0.11931
35 1.00600 0.016115 0.11911
40 1.00785 0.016144 0.11889
45 1.00989 0.016177 0.11865
50 1.01210 0.016212 0.11839
55 1.01452 0.016251 0.11811
60 1.01709 0.016292 0.11781
65 1.01984 0.016336 0.11750
70 1.02275 0.016383 0.11716
75 1.02581 0.016432 0.11681
80 1.02903 0.016483 0.11645
85 1.03241 0.016538 0.11607
90 1.03594 0.016594 0.11567
95 1.03962 0.016653 0.11526
100 1.04346 0.016715 0.11484
110 1.05158 0.016845 0.11395
120 1.06032 0.016985 0.11301
140 1.07976 0.017296 0.11097
160 1.10199 0.017652 0.10874
180 1.12740 0.018059 0.10629
200 1.15652 0.018526 0.10361
220 1.19016 0.019065 0.10068
240 1.22945 0.019694 0.09746
260 1.27611 0.020441 0.09390
280 1.33284 0.021350 0.08990
300 1.40422 0.022493 0.08533
320 1.49905 0.024012 0.07994
340 1.63755 0.026231 0.07317
360 1.89541 0.030362 0.06322
373.946 3.10559 0.049747 0.03858

Water specific volume at temperatures given in degree Fahrenheit:

Water - Specific Volume vs. Temperature
Temperature Specific volume (0-212°F at 1 atm, >212 °F at saturation pressure)
[°F] [ft3 /lb] [gal(US liq)/lb] [ft3 /sl] [cm3 /g]
32.2 0.01602 0.1198 0.5155 1.0002
34 0.01602 0.1198 0.5154 1.0001
39.2 0.01602 0.1198 0.5154 1.0000
40 0.01602 0.1198 0.5154 1.0000
50 0.01602 0.1199 0.5155 1.0003
60 0.01603 0.1199 0.5159 1.0010
70 0.01605 0.1201 0.5164 1.0020
80 0.01607 0.1202 0.5171 1.0034
90 0.01610 0.1204 0.5180 1.0050
100 0.01613 0.1207 0.5190 1.0070
110 0.01617 0.1209 0.5201 1.0092
120 0.01620 0.1212 0.5214 1.0116
130 0.01625 0.1215 0.5227 1.0143
140 0.01629 0.1219 0.5242 1.0171
150 0.01634 0.1222 0.5258 1.0202
160 0.01639 0.1226 0.5274 1.0234
170 0.01645 0.1230 0.5292 1.0269
180 0.01651 0.1235 0.5311 1.0305
190 0.01657 0.1239 0.5331 1.0343
200 0.01663 0.1244 0.5351 1.0384
212 0.01671 0.1250 0.5378 1.0435
220 0.01677 0.1255 0.5396 1.0471
240 0.01693 0.1266 0.5446 1.0567
260 0.01710 0.1279 0.5501 1.0675
280 0.01728 0.1292 0.5558 1.0785
300 0.01748 0.1307 0.5623 1.0911
350 0.01799 0.1346 0.5789 1.1232
400 0.01861 0.1392 0.5987 1.1616
450 0.01943 0.1453 0.6251 1.2129
500 0.02044 0.1529 0.6577 1.2761
550 0.02177 0.1629 0.7004 1.3591
600 0.02357 0.1763 0.7583 1.4713
625 0.02491 0.1864 0.8015 1.5552
650 0.02683 0.2007 0.8631 1.6747
675 0.02964 0.2217 0.9535 1.8501
700 0.03380 0.2528 1.0875 2.1101

See also Properties of Water - Imperial Units and Water - Thermodynamic Properties - SI units

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