Gases - Specific Gravities
Specific gravity gases:
Gas | Specific Gravity1) - SG - |
Acetylene (ethyne) - C2H2 | 0.899 |
Air1) | 1.000 |
Alcohol vapor | 1.601 |
Ammonia - NH3 | 0.59 |
Argon - Ar | 1.38 |
Arsine | 2.69 |
Benzene - C6H6 | 2.6969 |
Blast Furnace gas | 1.02 |
1,2 - Butadiene - C4H6 | 1.8676 |
Butane - C4H10 | 2.0061 |
1-Butene (Butylene)- C4H8 | 1.9372 |
Isobutene - C4H8 | 1.94 |
Carbon dioxide - CO2 | 1.5189 |
Carbon monoxide - CO | 0.9667 |
Carbureted Water Gas | 0.63 |
Chlorine - Cl2 | 2.486 |
Coke Oven Gas | 0.44 |
Cyclobutane | 1.938 |
Cyclohexane | 2.9057 |
Cyclopentane | 2.4215 |
Cyclopropane | 1.451 |
n - Decane | 4.9125 |
Deutrium - D2 | 0.070 |
Digestive Gas (Sewage or Biogas) | 0.8 |
2,3 - Dimethylbutane | 2.9753 |
2,2 - Dimetylpentane | 3.4596 |
Diisobutyl | 3.9439 |
Ethane - C2H6 | 1.0378 |
Ether vapor | 2.586 |
Ethylbenzene | 3.6655 |
Ethyl Chloride - C2H5Cl | 2.23 |
Ethylene (Ethene) - C2H4 | 0.9686 |
3 - Ethylpentane | 3.4596 |
Fluorine | 1.31 |
Helium - He | 0.138 |
n - Heptane | 3.4596 |
n - Hexane | 2.9753 |
Hydrogen | 0.0696 |
Hydrogen chloride - HCl | 1.268 |
Hydrogen sulfide - H2S | 1.1763 |
Hydrofluoric acid | 2.370 |
Hydrochloric acid | 1.261 |
Illuminating gas | 0.4 |
Isobutane | 2.0068 |
Isobutene | 1.9372 |
Isooctane | 3.9439 |
Isopentane | 2.4911 |
Isoprene | 2.3519 |
Isopropylbenzene | 4.1498 |
Krypton | 2.89 |
Marsh gas | 0.555 |
Mercury vapor | 6.940 |
Methane - CH4 | 0.5537 |
Methylcyclopentane | 2.9057 |
Methylcyclohexane | 3.39 |
Methyl Chloride | 1.74 |
2 - Methylhexane | 3.4596 |
2 - Methylpentane | 2.9753 |
Natural Gas (typical) | 0.60 - 0.70 |
Neohexane | 2.9753 |
Neopentane | 2.4911 |
Neon | 0.697 |
Nitric oxide - NO | 1.037 |
Nitrogen - N2 (pure) | 0.9669 |
Nitrogen - N2 (atmospheric) | 0.9723 |
Nitrous oxide - N2O | 1.530 |
n - Nonane | 4.4282 |
n - Octane | 3.9439 |
Oxygen - O2 | 1.1044 |
Ozone | 1.660 |
n - Pentane | 2.4911 |
Phosgene | 1.39 |
Propane - C3H8 | 1.5219 |
Propene (Propylene) - C3H6 | 1.4529 |
R-11 | 4.742 |
R-12 | 4.174 |
R-22 | 2.985 |
R-114 | 5.9 |
R-123 | 5.279 |
R-134a | 3.522 |
Sasol | 0.42 |
Silane | 1.11 |
Styrene | 3.5959 |
Sulfur Dioxide - SO2 | 2.264 |
Toluene - Methylbenzene | 3.1082 |
Triptane | 3.4596 |
Water gas (bituminous) | 0.71 |
Water vapor | 0.6218 |
Xenon | 4.53 |
o - Xylene | 3.6655 |
1) NTP - Normal Temperature and Pressure - is defined as 20oC (293.15 K, 68oF) and 1 atm ( 101.325 kN/m2, 101.325 kPa, 14.7 psia, 0 psig, 30 in Hg, 760 torr)
Since specific gravity is the ratio between the density (mass per unit volume) of an actual gas and the density of air - specific gravity has no dimension. The density of air at NTP is 1.205 kg/m3.
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