Air Conditioning - Cooling of Air and Condensate Generated
Water may condensate when air is cooled in air conditioning systems.
In air cooling processes condensate water may be generated from the moist air.
If we know the condition and the specific humidity of the air before and after an air conditioning unit - the condensate generated can be calculated
qcond = qair dwlb / (8.33 vda ) (1)
qcond = condensate generated (gallons per minute, gpm)
qair = air flow (cubic feet per minute)
dwlb = difference in specific humidity (lbwater / lbdry air)
vda = specific volume of air (cubic feet/lbdry air)
With specific humidity expressed in grains water per lb dry air (1) can be expressed as
qcond = qair dwgr / (7000 8.33 vda)
= qair (wgr-out - wgr-in ) / (7000 8.33 vda) (2)
qcond = condensate generated (gallons per minute)
qair = air flow (cubic feet per minute)
dwgr = difference in specific humidity (grwater /lbdry air)
wgr-out = specific humidity in air out (grwater /lbdry air)
wgr-in = specific humidity in air in (grwater /lbdry air)
vda = specific volume of air (cubic feet/lbdry air)
7000 = grains per lbm of water (1 grain = 0.000143 lbm = 0.0648 g)
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