Air - Specific Heat Ratio
Specific Heat Ratio of Air at Standard Atmospheric Pressure in Imperial (BG) Units:
Temperature - t - (oF) | Specific Heat Ratio k = cp / cv |
-40 | 1.401 |
-20 | 1.401 |
0 | 1.401 |
10 | 1.401 |
20 | 1.401 |
30 | 1.401 |
40 | 1.401 |
50 | 1.401 |
60 | 1.401 |
70 | 1.401 |
80 | 1.400 |
90 | 1.400 |
100 | 1.400 |
120 | 1.400 |
140 | 1.399 |
160 | 1.399 |
180 | 1.399 |
200 | 1.398 |
300 | 1.394 |
400 | 1.389 |
500 | 1.383 |
750 | 1.367 |
1000 | 1.351 |
1500 | 1.329 |
- cp = specific heat - constant pressure
- cv = specific heat - constant volume
Specific Heat Ratio of Air at Standard Atmospheric Pressure in SI Units:
Temperature - t - (oC) | Specific Heat Ratio k = cp / cv |
-40 | 1.401 |
-20 | 1.401 |
0 | 1.401 |
5 | 1.401 |
10 | 1.401 |
15 | 1.401 |
20 | 1.401 |
25 | 1.401 |
30 | 1.400 |
40 | 1.400 |
50 | 1.400 |
60 | 1.399 |
70 | 1.399 |
80 | 1.399 |
90 | 1.398 |
100 | 1.397 |
200 | 1.390 |
300 | 1.379 |
400 | 1.368 |
500 | 1.357 |
1000 | 1.321 |
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