Vortex Flowmeters - Shedding Frequency vs. Volume Flow Rate
Vortex Shedding Frequency
The vortex shedding frequency around a bluff body can be calculated as
f = Sr v / d (1)
f = vortex shedding frequency (Hz)
Sr = Strouhal number (dimensionless)
v = flow velocity (m/s)
d = bluff body diameter
Volumetric Flowrate
The volumetric flowrate from the shredding frequency can be calculated as
q = A f / k (2)
q = volumetric flowrate (m3/s)
A = cross sectional area of the vortex orifice (m2)
k = a constant for all fluids given design of meter
Related Topics
• Flow Measurements
Flow metering principles - Orifice, Venturi, Flow Nozzles, Pitot Tubes, Target, Variable Area, Positive Displacement, Turbine, Vortex, Electromagnetic, Ultrasonic Doppler, Ultrasonic Time-of-travel, Mass Coriolis, Mass Thermal, Weir V-notch, Flume Parshall and Sluice Gate flow meters and more.
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