Wind Power
Theoretically power in moving air - or wind - can be calculated
P = ρ A v3 / 2
= ρ π d2 v3 / 8 (1)
P = power (W)
ρ = density of air (kg/m3)
A = wind mill area perpendicular to the wind (m2)
v = wind speed (m/s)
π = 3.14....
d = wind mill diameter (m)
Be aware that the density of air decreases with temperature and altitude and that the major factor in wind power generation is wind speed .
- 20% increase in wind velocity will increase the power generation with 73%
The theoretical and rated wind power generation from a typical windmill is indicated in the "wind speed-power curve" below. Cut-in wind speed, rated wind speed, shut-down wind speed and rated power for windmills with 20% and 40% efficiency.
Actual Available Power
Actual available wind power can be calculated
Pa = ξ ρ A v3 / 2
= ξ ρ π d2 v3 / 8 (2)
ξ = efficiency of the windmill (in general less than 0.4 - or 40%)
Example - Wind Power
The actual available power from a wind mill with diameter 1 m , efficiency 0.2 (20%) - with wind velocity 10 m/s - can be calculated as
Pa = (0.2) (1.2 kg/m3) π (1 m)2 (10 m/s)3 / 8
= 94.2 W
Related Mobile Apps from The Engineering ToolBox
- free apps for offline use on mobile devices.
Online Wind Power Calculator
The calculator below can be used to calculate the available power from a windmill:
Generated Wind Energy
The energy generated over time depends on the wind mill potential power generation (as indicated above) - and how often, or how many hours the wind blows - or more scientifically - the "wind speed frequency distribution" at the actual location.
The total energy generated over a year can be calculated by summarizing the power generation for all velocities (ranging from the actual windmill cut-in speed to the shut-down speed) multiplied with the no. of hours the wind blows at the actual speeds.
A typical wind speed frequency distribution diagram with energy produced at the different velocities is indicated below.
Related Topics
• Environment
Climate, meteorology, solar, wind, emissions and environmental related engineering resources.
• Fluid Mechanics
The study of fluids - liquids and gases. Involving velocity, pressure, density and temperature as functions of space and time.
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Air - Density vs. Pressure and Temperature
Air density at pressure ranging 1 to 10 000 bara (14.5 - 145000 psi) and constant selected temperatures.
Air - Density, Specific Weight and Thermal Expansion Coefficient vs. Temperature and Pressure
Online calculator, figures and tables showing density, specific weight and thermal expansion coefficients of air at temperatures ranging -100 to 1600 °C (-140 to 2900 °F) at atmospheric and higher pressure - Imperial and SI Units.
Air - Thermophysical Properties
Thermal properties of air at different temperatures - density, viscosity, critical temperature and pressure, triple point, enthalpi and entropi, thermal conductivity and diffusivity and more.
Efficiency is the ratio useful energy output to energy input.
Power is the rate at which work is done or energy converted.
Wind Energy
Available wind energy.
Wind Load vs. Wind Speed
Wind load on surface - Wind load calculator.
Wind Shear
Wind slowed down at surface by trees and obstructions.
Wind Turbine Power Calculator
Online wind turbine calculator.