ASME - Performance Test Codes
The ASME Performance Test Codes provide standard directions and rules for conducting and reporting tests of specific materials such as fuels, equipment and process functions related to power plants.
ASME Performance Test Codes:
- PTC1 - 1999 - General Instructions
- PTC2 - 1980 (R1985) - Code on Definitions and Values
- PTC4- 1998 - Fired Steam Generators
- PTC4.2 - 1969 (R1997) - Coal Pulverizes
- PTC4.3 - 1968 (R1991) - Air Heaters
- PTC4.4 - 1981 (R1992) - Gas Turbine Heat Recovery Steam Generators
- PTC5 - 1949 - Reciprocating Steam Engines
- PTC6 - 1996 - Steam Turbines
- PTC6A - 2001 - Test Code for Steam Turbines - Appendix to PTC 6
- PTC6-REPORT - Guidance for Evaluation of Measurement Uncertainty in Performance Tests of Steam Turbines
- PTC6-S - Procedures for Routine Performance Test of Steam Turbines
- PTC7.1 - 1962 (R1969) - Displacement Pumps
- PTC8.2 - 1990 - Centrifugal Pumps
- PTC9 - 1970 (R1997) - Displacement Compressors, Vacuum Pumps and Blowers
- PTC10 - 1997- Test Code on Compressors and Exhausters
- PTC11 - 1984 (R1995) - Fans
- PTC12.1 - 2000 - Closed Feed water Heaters
- PTC12.2 - 1998 - Steam Surface Condensers
- PTC12.3 - 1997 - Deaerators
- PTC12.4 - 1992 (R1997) - Moisture Separator Reheaters
- PTC17 - 1973 (R1997) - Reciprocating Internal-Combustion Engines
- PTC18 - 1992 - Hydraulic Prime Movers
- PTC18.1 - 1978 (R1984) - Pumping Mode of Pump/Turbines
- PTC19.1 - 1998 - Measurement Uncertainty
- PTC19.2 - 1987(R1998) - Pressure Measurement
- PTC19.3 - 1974 (R1998) - Temperature Measurement
- PTC19.5 - 1972 - Application, Part II of Fluid Meters: Interim Supplement on Instruments and Apparatus
- PTC19.5.1 - 1964 - Weighing Scales
- PTC19.7 - 1980 (R1988) - Measurement of Shaft Power
- PTC19.8 - 1970 (R1985) - Measurement of Indicated Power
- PTC19.10 - 1981 - Flue and Exhaust Gas Analyses
- PTC19.11 - 1997 - Steam and Water Sampling, Conditioning, and Analysis in the Power Cycle
- PTC19.14 - 1958 - Linear Measurements
- PTC19.22 - 1986 (R1998) - Digital Systems Techniques
- PTC19.23 - 1980 (R1985) - Guidance Manual for Model Testing
- PTC20.1 - 1977 (R1988) - Speed and Load-Governing Systems for Steam Turbine-Generator Units
- PTC20.2 - 1965 (R1986) - Over speed Trip Systems for Steam Turbine-Generator Units
- PTC20.3 - 1970 (R1986) - Pressure Control Systems Used on Steam Turbine Generator Units
- PTC21 - 1991 - Particulate Matter Collection Equipment
- PTC22 - 1997 - Performance Test Code on Gas Turbines
- PTC23 - 1986 (R1997) - Atmospheric Water Cooling Equipment
- PTC24 - 1976 (R1982) - Ejectors
- PTC25 - 1994 - Pressure Relief Devices
- PTC26 - 1962 - Speed Governing Systems for Internal Combustion Engine Generator Units
- PTC28 - 1965 (R1985) - Determining the Properties of Fine Particulate Matter
- PTC29 - 1965 (R1985) - Speed-Governing Systems for Hydraulic Turbine-Generator Units
- PTC30 - 1991 (R1998) - Air Cooled Heat Exchangers
- PTC31 - 1972 (R1991) - Ion Exchange Equipment
- PTC32.1 - 1969 (R1992) - Nuclear Steam Supply Systems
- PTC33 - 1978 (R1991) - Large Incinerators
- PTC33 - 1979 - Large Incinerators Codes and Appendix Package
- PTC33A - 1980 - Abbreviated Incinerator Efficiency Test
- PTC36 - 1998 - Measurement of Industrial Sound
- PTC38 - 1980 (R1985) - Determining the Concentration of Particulate Matter in a Gas Stream
- PTC39.1 - 1980 (R1991) - Condensate Removal Devices for Steam Systems
- PTC40 - 1991 - Flue Gas Desulfurization Units
- PTC42 - 1988 (R1998) - Wind Turbines
- PTC46 - 1997 - Overall Plant Performance
- PTCPM - 1993 - Performance Monitoring Guidlines for Steam Power Plants
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