Polyurethane - Chemical Resistance
Chemical resistance of Polyurethane (PUR).
Polyurethane (PUR or PU) is a polymer composed of organic units joined by carbamate or urethane links.
Note that polyurethane is not a uniform class of material. The chemical resistances listed below should always be checked with manufacturing data.
Liquid | Classification |
Acetic acid 20 – 80 10% | conditionally resistant |
Acetone | not resistant |
Aluminum chloride 10% | vastly resistant |
Aluminum Salts | resistant |
Ammonia 10% | resistant |
Ammonium carbonate | not resistant |
Ammonium chloride | vastly resistant |
Aniline | not resistant |
ASTM-Fuel No. I | resistant |
ASTM-Fuel No. II | conditionally resistant |
ASTM-Fuel No. III | conditionally resistant |
ASTM-Oil I | resistant |
ASTM-Oil II | resistant |
ASTM-Oil III | resistant |
Barium Salts | resistant |
Benzene | not resistant |
Bichromate of potash | vastly resistant |
Brake fluid ATE | not resistant |
Butanol | not resistant |
Butyl acetate | not resistant |
Calcium chloride 40% | vastly resistant |
Carbon disulfide | not resistant |
Carbon tetrachloride 100% | not resistant |
Chlorobenzene | not resistant |
Chloroform | not resistant |
Chloroprene | not resistant |
Chromic acid | not resistant |
Cutting oil | conditionally resistant |
Cyclohexan | conditionally resistant |
Cyclohexanone | not resistant |
Diesel oil | vastly resistant |
Diethylether | resistant |
Diethylprestone | resistant |
Dimethylformamide | not resistant |
Ethanol | conditionally resistant |
Ethyl alcohol 100% | conditionally resistant |
Ethyl ether | conditionally resistant |
Ethylacetate | not resistant |
Ethylencloride | vastly resistant |
Formaldehyde | resistant |
Formic acid 30% | not resistant |
R-12 dichlorodifluoromethane | conditionally resistant |
R-22 chlorodifluoromethane | conditionally resistant |
Gasoline | resistant |
Glycerin | resistant |
Glycol | resistant |
Hydraulic oil SAE 90 | conditionally resistant |
Hydrochlorid acid | not resistant |
Isopropanol | not resistant |
Jet-fuel | resistant |
Kerosene | resistant |
Kerosene | resistant |
Lactic acid 10% | not resistant |
Magnesium chloride 30% | vastly resistant |
Methanol < 5% | conditionally resistant |
Methylethylketon | conditionally resistant |
Mineral oil | conditionally resistant |
Motor oil | not resistant |
Mythyl acetate | not resistant |
Mythyl chloride | not resistant |
Mythylglycol | not resistant |
Mythylglycolacetate | not resistant |
Nitric acid 30% | not resistant |
Olive oil | resistant |
Ozone | resistant |
Paraffin oil | resistant |
Perchlore ethylene | not resistant |
Petroleum | vastly resistant |
Petroleum ether | resistant |
Phosphoric acid 50% | not resistant |
Potash lye 10% | resistant |
Potassium nitrate | vastly resistant |
Potassium permanganate | not resistant |
Sea water | resistant |
Silver salts 20% | resistant |
Soda lye 10% | resistant |
Sodium chloride 10% | vastly resistant |
Sulfuric acid 30% | short-term resistant |
Tataric acid < 10% | resistant |
Tetrahydrofuran | not resistant |
Toluene | not resistant |
Trachloroethylene | not resistant |
Trichlorethylene | not resistant |
Vegetable fats | resistant |
Vegetable oils | resistant |
Xylon | not resistant |
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