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Minerals - Densities

Densities of minerals.

Densities of some common minerals:

Minerals - Densities
MineralCommentDensity (ranging from to)
Acanthite 7.2 7.3 7200 7300 449 456
Acmite Pyroxene group 3.52 3520 220
Actinolite Amphibole group 3.04 3040 190
Alabandite 4 4000 250
Alamandine Garnet group 4.09 4.31 4090 4310 255 269
Albite Feldspar 2.62 2620 163
Allanite 3.3 4.2 3300 4200 206 262
Allemontite 6.15 6150 384
Allophane Clay group or clay like 1.9 1900 119
Altaite 8.14 8140 508
Alunite 2.59 2.9 2590 2900 162 181
Amblygonite 2.98 3.11 2980 3110 186 194
Analcime 2.3 2300 144
Anatese 3.9 3900 243
Andalusite 3.15 3150 197
Andesine Pyroxene group 2.67 2670 167
Andradite Garnet group 3.7 4.1 3700 4100 231 256
Anglesite 6.3 6300 393
Ankerite Carbonate group 3.05 3050 190
Annebergite 3.05 3050 190
Anorthite 2.73 2730 170
Anorthoclase Orthoclase 2.58 2580 161
Anthophyllite Amphibole group 2.85 3.57 2850 3570 178 223
Anthydrite 2.97 2970 185
Antimony 6.66 6660 416
Antlerite 3.9 3900 243
Apatite 3.19 3190 199
Apidote 3.3 3.6 3300 3600 206 225
Apophyllite 2.34 2340 146
Aragonite 2.93 2930 183
Arfvedsonite Amphibole group 3.44 3440 215
Argenite 7.3 7300 456
Arsenic 5.7 5700 356
Arsenopyrite 6.07 6070 379
Atacamite 3.76 3760 235
Augite 3.4 3400 212
Aurichalcite 3.64 3.9 3640 3900 227 243
Autonite 3.15 3150 197
Awaruite 8 8000 499
Axinite 3.28 3280 205
Azurite 3.83 3830 239
Barite 4.48 4480 280
Bastnaesite Rare earth oxide group 4.95 4950 309
Beidellite Clay group or clay like 2.15 2150 134
Beryl 2.63 2.9 2630 2900 164 181
Biotite Mica group 2.8 3.5 2800 3500 175 218
Bismite 8.5 9.5 8500 9500 530 593
Bismuth 9.75 9750 608
Boehmite Bauxite component 3.03 3030 189
Boracite 2.9 2900 181
Borax 1.71 1710 107
Bornite 5.09 5090 318
Boulangerite 5.7 6.3 5700 6300 356 393
Brannerite 4.5 6.5 4500 6500 281 406
Braunite 4.76 4760 297
Bravoite 5.01 5010 313
Brochantite 3.97 3970 248
Bromargyrite 5.8 6 5800 6000 362 374
Bronzite Enstatite group 3.2 3.9 3200 3900 200 243
Brookite 4.11 4110 256
Brucite 2.39 2390 149
Bytownite Plagioclase group 2.71 2710 169
Calcite 2.71 2710 169
Calomel 6.45 6450 402
Calvarite 9.04 9040 564
Cancrinite Feldspathoid group 2.45 2450 153
Carnallite 1.6 1600 100
Carnotite 3.7 4.7 3700 4700 231 293
Cassiterite 6.9 6900 431
Celestite 3.95 3950 246
Celsian Feldspar group 3.25 3250 203
Cerargyrite 5.55 5550 346
Cerussite Carbonate group 6.58 6580 411
Cervanite 6.5 6500 406
Chabazite Zeolite group 2.09 2090 130
Chalcanthite 2.21 2210 138
Chalcocite 5.5 5.8 5500 5800 343 362
Chalcopyrite 4.19 4190 261
Chlorite 2.42 2420 151
Chloritoid Mica group 3.51 3.8 3510 3800 219 237
Chondrodite 3.15 3150 197
Chromite 4.5 5.09 4500 5090 281 318
Chrysoberyl 3.5 3.84 3500 3840 218 240
Chrysocolla 2 2.4 2000 2400 125 150
Cinnibar 8.1 8100 505
Clinochlore 2.65 2650 165
Clinoclase 4.29 4290 268
Clinoenstatite Enstatite group 3.4 3400 212
Clinoferrosilite Enstatite group 4.1 4100 256
Clinohumite 3.26 3260 203
Clinzoite 3.34 3340 208
Cobaltite 6.33 6330 395
Colemanite 2.42 2420 151
Columbite 5.3 7.3 5300 7300 331 456
Copper 8.94 8940 558
Cordierite 2.55 2.77 2550 2770 159 173
Corundum 4.05 4050 253
Coveillite 4.68 4680 292
Cristobalite 2.27 2270 142
Crocoite 6 6000 374
Cryolite 2.97 2970 185
Cubanite 4.7 4700 293
Cummingtonite Amphibole group 3.35 3350 209
Cuprite 6.1 6100 381
Danburite 2.99 2990 187
Datolite 2.9 2900 181
Diamond 3.51 3510 219
Diaspore 3.4 3400 212
Dickite Clay group or clay like 2.6 2600 162
Digenite 5.6 5600 349
Diopside Pyroxene group 3.4 3400 212
Dioptase 3.31 3310 207
Dolmite Carbonate group 2.84 2840 177
Dumortierite 3.34 3340 208
Edenite Hornblende 3.02 3020 188
Embolite 5.6 5600 349
Enargite 4.45 4450 278
Enstatite Pyroxene group 3.2 3200 200
Erythrite 3.12 3120 195
Espomite 1.67 1670 104
Euclase 3.04 3040 190
Euxenite 4.84 4840 302
Fayalite Olivine group 4.39 4390 274
Feberite 7.45 7450 465
Fergusonite Rare earth oxide group 4.5 5.7 4500 5700 281 356
Ferrimolybdite 4 4.5 4000 4500 250 281
Ferrosilite Pyroxene group 3.95 3950 246
Fluorite 3.13 3130 195
Forsterite Olivine group 3.27 3270 204
Franklinite 5.14 5140 321
Gadolinite Rare earth oxide group 4 4.5 4000 4500 250 281
Gahnite Spinel group 4 4.6 4000 4600 250 287
Galaxite Spinel group 4.23 4230 264
Galena 7.2 7.6 7200 7600 449 474
Garnierite 2.41 2410 150
Gaylussite 1.96 1960 122
Geocronite 6.4 6400 399
Gersdorffite 6.11 6110 381
Gibbsite 2.34 2340 146
Glauberite 2.77 2770 173
Glauconite Mica group 2.4 2.95 2400 2950 150 184
Glaucophane Amphibole group 3.07 3070 192
Gmelinite Zeolite group 2.09 2090 130
Goethite 3.3 4.3 3300 4300 206 268
Gold 19.32 19320 1206
Goslarite 2 2000 125
Graphite 2.16 2160 135
Greenocktite 3.98 5 3980 5000 248 312
Grossularite Garnet group 3.42 3.72 3420 3720 213 232
Gypsum 2.3 2300 144
Halite 2.17 2170 135
Halloysite Clay group or clay like 2 2.6 2000 2600 125 162
Harmotome 2.46 2460 154
Hastingsite Hornblende 3.17 3.59 3170 3590 198 224
Hausmanite 4.76 4760 297
Hauynite Feldspathoid group 2.45 2450 153
Hectorite Clay group or clay like 2 3 2000 3000 125 187
Hedenbergite 3.55 3550 222
Helvite 3.26 3260 203
Hemimorphite 3.45 3450 215
Hercynite Spinel group 3.95 3950 246
Hermatite 5.3 5300 331
Hessite 7.2 7.9 7200 7900 449 493
Heulandite 2.2 2200 137
Hornblende Hornblende 3 3.47 3000 3470 187 217
Huebnerite Wolframite series 7.15 7150 446
Humite 3.15 3150 197
Hyalophane Orthoclase 2.81 2810 175
Hydrozincite 3.2 3.8 3200 3800 200 237
Hypersthene Hornblende 3.2 3.9 3200 3900 200 243
Ice 0.99 990 62
Iddingsite 2.5 2.8 2500 2800 156 175
Idocrase 3.4 3400 212
Illemenite 4.72 4720 295
Illite Clay group or clay like 2.6 2.9 2600 2900 162 181
Ilvaite 4.01 4010 250
Iodobromite 5.7 5700 356
Iodyrite 5.6 5600 349
Irdosmine 19.3 21 19300 21000 1204 1310
Iridium 22.7 22700 1416
Jacobsite Spinel group 4.75 4750 296
Jadeite Pyroxene group 3.3 3300 206
Jamesonite Jamesonite group 5.56 5560 347
Jarosite 2.9 3.3 2900 3300 181 206
Kainite 2.1 2100 131
Kaliophilite 2.58 2580 161
Kaolinite Clay group or clay like 2.6 2600 162
Kernite 1.91 1910 119
Krennerite 8.53 8530 532
Kyanite 3.61 3610 225
Langbeinite 2.83 2830 177
Larsenite Olivine group 5.9 5900 368
Laumonite Zeolite group 2.29 2290 143
Lawsonite 3.09 3090 193
Lazulite 3.05 3050 190
Lazurite 2.4 2400 150
Lechatelierite 2.5 2.65 2500 2650 156 165
Lepidocrocite 4 4000 250
Lepidolite Mica group 2.84 2840 177
Leucite Feldspathoid group 2.47 2470 154
Liebthenite 3.8 3800 237
Limonite 3.3 4 3300 4000 206 250
Linarite 5.4 5400 337
Linneaeite 4.8 4800 300
Lithiophilite 3.34 3340 208
Loellingite 7.1 7.4 7100 7400 443 462
Magnesite Carbonate group 3 3000 187
Magnetite 5.15 5150 321
Malachite 3.6 4 3600 4000 225 250
Manganite 4.34 4340 271
Manganosite 5.18 5180 323
Marcasite 4.89 4890 305
Margarite Mica group 3.03 3030 189
Marialite Scapolite series 2.56 2560 160
Meionite Scapolite series 2.69 2690 168
Melanterite 1.89 1890 118
Melilite 2.95 2950 184
Menaghinite Jamesonite group 6.38 6380 398
Miargyrite 5.19 5190 324
Microcline Feldspar group 2.56 2560 160
Microlite 4.2 6.4 4200 6400 262 399
Millerite 5.5 5500 343
Mimetite 7.17 7170 447
Minium 8.2 8200 512
Molybdenite 5.5 5500 343
Monazite 4.8 5.5 4800 5500 300 343
Monticellite Olivine group 3.2 3200 200
Montmotillonite Clay group or clay like 2 2.7 2000 2700 125 168
Mullite 3.05 3050 190
Musscovite Mica group 2.82 2820 176
Nacrite Clay group or clay like 2.6 2600 162
Nagyagite 7.5 7500 468
Natrolite Zeolite group 2.25 2250 140
Nephheline 2.55 2.65 2550 2650 159 165
Ni skutterudite 6.5 6500 406
Niccolite 7.79 7790 486
Nitre 2.1 2100 131
Nontronite Clay group or clay like 2.3 2300 144
Norbergite 3.15 3150 197
Noselite Feldspathoid group 2.34 2340 146
Oligoclase 2.65 2650 165
Opal 2.09 2090 130
Orpiment 3.52 3520 220
Orthoclase Feldspar group 2.56 2560 160
Ottrelite Mica group 3.52 3520 220
Palladium 11.55 11550 721
Paragonite Mica group 2.78 2780 173
Pargasite Hornblende 3.12 3120 195
Pearceite 6.13 6130 383
Pectolite 2.86 2860 178
Pentlandite 4.6 5 4600 5000 287 312
Perovskite 4 4000 250
Petalite Feldspathoid group 2.42 2420 151
Petzite 8.7 9.14 8700 9140 543 570
Phenaktite 2.98 2980 186
Phillipsite Zeolite group 2.2 2200 137
Phlogopite Mica group 2.7 2.9 2700 2900 168 181
Phosgenite 6 6.3 6000 6300 374 393
Phosphuranylite 4.1 4100 256
Pigeonite Pyroxene group 3.3 3.46 3300 3460 206 216
Plagionite Jamesonite group 5.4 5.6 5400 5600 337 349
Platinum 21.45 21450 1339
Polucite 2.9 2900 181
Polybasite 4.6 5 4600 5000 287 312
Polycrase Rare earth oxide group 5 5000 312
Polyhalite 2.77 2770 173
Potash alum 1.75 1750 109
Powellite 4.34 4340 271
Prehnite 2.87 2870 179
Proustite 5.55 5550 346
Pyrargyrite 5.85 5850 365
Pyrite 5.01 5010 313
Pyrochlore 4.2 6.4 4200 6400 262 399
Pyrolusite 4.4 5.06 4400 5060 275 316
Pyromorphite 6.7 7 6700 7000 418 437
Pyrope Garnet group 3.65 3.84 3650 3840 228 240
Pyrophyllite 2.84 2840 177
Pyrrhotite 4.61 4610 288
Quartz 2.62 2620 163
Rammelsbergite 7.1 7100 443
Realgar 3.56 3560 222
Rhodochrosite Carbonate group 3.69 3690 230
Rhodonite 3.5 3.7 3500 3700 218 231
Riebeckite Amphibole group 3.4 3400 212
Roscoelite Mica group 2.97 2970 185
Rutile 4.25 4250 265
Samarskite 5.6 5.8 5600 5800 349 362
Sanadine 2.52 2520 157
Saponite 2.3 2300 144
Scapolite 2.66 2660 166
Scheelite 6.01 6010 375
Scolecite Zeolite group 2.16 2.4 2160 2400 135 150
Scorodite 3.2 3200 200
Scorzalite 3.27 3270 204
Semseyite 5.8 6.1 5800 6100 362 381
Sepiolite 2 2000 125
Serpentine 2.53 2.65 2530 2650 158 165
Siderite Carbonate group 3.96 3960 247
Siegenite 4.9 4900 306
Sillimanite 3.24 3240 202
Silver 10.5 10500 655
Sklodowskite 3.54 3540 221
Skutterudite 6.1 6.9 6100 6900 381 431
Smithsonite Carbonate group 4.45 4450 278
Soda nitre 2.26 2260 141
Sodalite Feldspathoid group 2.29 2290 143
Sperrylite 10.58 10580 660
Spessartine Garnet group 4.18 4180 261
Sphalerite 4.05 4050 253
Sphene 3.48 3480 217
Spinel group 3.57 3.72 3570 3720 223 232
Spodumene 3.15 3150 197
Stannite 4.3 4.5 4300 4500 268 281
Staurolite 3.71 3710 232
Stephanite 6.25 6250 390
Sternbergite 4.22 4220 263
Stibnite 4.63 4630 289
Stilbite Zeolite group 2.15 2150 134
Stillwellite 4.61 4610 288
Stolzite 7.9 8.2 7900 8200 493 512
Stromeyerite 6 6.3 6000 6300 374 393
Strontianite Carbonate group 3.78 3780 236
Sulphur 2.06 2060 129
Sylvanite 7.9 8.3 7900 8300 493 518
Sylvite 1.99 1990 124
Talc 2.75 2750 172
Tantalite 6.2 8 6200 8000 387 499
Tennantite 4.6 4.7 4600 4700 287 293
Tenorite 6.5 6500 406
Tephroite Olivine group 4.11 4.39 4110 4390 256 274
Tetrahedrite 4.6 5.2 4600 5200 287 324
Thenardite 2.68 2680 167
Thomsonite Zeolite group 2.34 2340 146
Thorianite 10 10000 624
Thorite 4 6.7 4000 6700 250 418
Tin 7.28 7280 454
Topaz 3.55 3550 222
Torbernite 3.2 3200 200
Tourmaline 3 3.2 3000 3200 187 200
Tremolite Amphibole group 2.9 3.2 2900 3200 181 200
Tridymite 2.28 2.33 2280 2330 142 145
Triphylite 3.4 3.6 3400 3600 212 225
Troilite 4.61 4610 288
Trona 2.13 2130 133
Tungstite 5.5 5500 343
Turquoise 2.6 2.8 2600 2800 162 175
Tyuyamunite 3.3 4.3 3300 4300 206 268
Ulexite 1.95 1950 122
Uraninite 6.5 10.95 6500 10950 406 683
Uranophane 3.9 3900 243
Uvarovite Garnet group 3.4 3.8 3400 3800 212 237
Vanadinite 6.8 7.1 6800 7100 424 443
Variscite 2.5 2500 156
Vermiculite Mica group 2.3 2.5 2300 2500 144 156
Violarite 4.5 4.8 4500 4800 281 300
Vivianite 2.65 2650 165
Wavellite 2.34 2340 146
Willemite 3.9 4.2 3900 4200 243 262
Witherite Carbonate group 4.3 4300 268
Wolframite 7.1 7.5 7100 7500 443 468
Wollastonite 2.84 2840 177
Wulfenite 6.5 7 6500 7000 406 437
Wurtzite 4.03 4030 251
Xenotime 4.4 5.1 4400 5100 275 318
Zincite 5.43 5.7 5430 5700 339 356
Zinkenite Jamesonite group 5.12 5.35 5120 5350 319 334
Zircon 4.65 4650 290
Zoisite 3.3 3300 206

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