Metal Content in Minerals
Content of metals in minerals.
Typical content of metals in minerals:
Metal | Mineral | Content (%) |
Aluminum | Bauxit | 74 |
Corundum | 53 | |
Spinel | 38 | |
Topaz | 30 | |
Variscite | 17 | |
Wavelite | 20 | |
Antimony | Allemonite | 62 |
Boulangerite | 26 | |
Cervanite | 79 | |
jamesonite | 29 | |
Meneghinite | 19 | |
Miargyrite | 41 | |
Niccolite | 56 | |
Nickel-Skudderuite | 76 | |
Plagionite | 38 | |
Polybasite | 11 | |
Pyroargyrite | 22 | |
Semseyite | 27 | |
Stephanite | 15 | |
Stibnite | 71 | |
Tetrahedrite | 30 | |
Zinkenite | 45 | |
Arsenic | Allemonite | 38 |
Arsenpyrite | 34 | |
Loellingite | 73 | |
Orpiment | 61 | |
Prousite | 15 | |
Rammelsbergite | 72 | |
Realgar | 70 | |
Scrodite | 32 | |
Skutterudite | 76 | |
Sperrylite | 43 | |
Tennantite | 20 | |
Barite | Barite | 59 |
Whiterite | 70 | |
Beryllium | Beryl | 5 |
Chrysoberyl | 7 | |
Phenakite | 16 | |
Birsmuth | Bismite | 90 |
Bismuthinite | 81 | |
Chromium | Chromite | 46 |
Cobalt | Cobaltite | 36 |
Erythrite | 30 | |
Linaeite | 58 | |
Siegenite | 15 | |
Skutterudite | 18 | |
Smaltite | 28 | |
Copper | Antlerite | 54 |
Azurite | 55 | |
Bornite | 63 | |
Brochantite | 56 | |
Chalcocite | 80 | |
Chalcopyrite | 35 | |
Clinoclase | 50 | |
Chrysocolla | 36 | |
Covellite | 66 | |
Cuprite | 89 | |
Digenite | 78 | |
Malachite | 57 | |
Polybasite | 12 | |
Stannite | 30 | |
Stromeyerite | 31 | |
Tennantite | 48 | |
Tetrahedrite | 35 | |
Torbernite | 6 | |
Gold | Calaverite | 44 |
Krennerite | 44 | |
Petzite | 29 | |
Sylvanite | 34 | |
Iron | Hematite | 70 |
Limonite | 60 | |
Mangetite | 72 | |
Marcasite | 46 | |
Pyrite | 46 | |
Pyrrhotite | 61 | |
Siderite | 48 | |
Triphyllite | 35 | |
Troilite | 64 | |
Violarite | 19 | |
Lead | Anglesite | 68 |
Boulangerite | 55 | |
Cerussite | 77 | |
Galena | 87 | |
Meneghenite | 62 | |
Minium | 91 | |
Phosgenite | 76 | |
Plagionite | 40 | |
Pyromorphite | 76 | |
Semseyite | 53 | |
Stolzite | 46 | |
Wulfenite | 56 | |
Zinkenite | 32 | |
Magnesium | Magnesite | 29 |
Periclase | 60 | |
Spinel | 17 | |
Manganese | Albandite | 63 |
Braunite | 64 | |
Hausmanite | 72 | |
Manganoite | 77 | |
Pyrolusite | 63 | |
Rhodochrosite | 48 | |
Rhodonite | 48 | |
Tephroite | 54 | |
Mercury | Calomel | 85 |
Cinnabar | 86 | |
Metacinnabarite | 86 | |
Molybdenum | Molybdenite | 60 |
Powerlite | 48 | |
Wulfenite | 26 | |
Nickel | Annabergite | 29 |
Awaruite | 72 | |
Chloanthite | 28 | |
Millerite | 65 | |
Niccolite | 44 | |
Pentlandite | 34 | |
Rammelsbergite | 28 | |
Siegenite | 43 | |
Skutterudite | 6 | |
Violarite | 39 | |
Silver | Acanthite | 87 |
Argentite | 87 | |
Bromargyrite | 57 | |
Cerargyrite | 75 | |
Embolite | 70 | |
Hessite | 46 | |
Miargyrite | 37 | |
Pearceite | 77 | |
Petzite | 32 | |
Polybasite | 60 | |
Proustite | 65 | |
Pyrargyrite | 60 | |
Stephanite | 68 | |
Sternbergite | 34 | |
Stromeyerite | 53 | |
Sylvanite | 6 | |
Tantalium | (Ferro)Tantalite | 70 |
Polycrase | 15 | |
Samarskite | 12 | |
Tin | Cassiterite | 79 |
Stannite | 28 | |
Titanium | Anatase | 60 |
Brookite | 60 | |
Ileminte | 32 | |
Perovskite | 35 | |
Polycrase | 15 | |
Rutile | 60 | |
Sphene | 24 | |
Tungsten | Ferberite | 90 |
Huebnerite | 61 | |
Scheelite | 64 | |
Stolzite | 40 | |
Wolframite | 60 | |
Uranium | U3O8 | 85 |
Brannerite | 34 | |
Carnotite | 53 | |
Phoshuranylite | 64 | |
Polycrase | 6 | |
Samarsite | 16 | |
Skidowskite | 55 | |
Torbernite | 48 | |
Uraninite | 88 | |
Uranophane | 41 | |
Vanadium | Roscoelite | 10 |
Vanadite | 11 | |
V2O5 | 56 | |
Zinc | Calamine | 54 |
Franklinite | 16 | |
Gahnite | 36 | |
Hydrozincite | 60 | |
Smithsonite | 52 | |
Sphalerite | 64 | |
Willemite | 59 | |
Wurtzite | 61 | |
Zincite | 73 |
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