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Carbon Steel Pipes - Pressure and Temperature Ratings, Metric Units

Pressure (kPa)> and temperature (degC) ratings of ASTM A-106, API 5L and ASTM A-53 Seamless Carbon Steel Pipes - temperatures ranging -29 degC - 450 degC.

Maximum allowable pressure and temperature ratings for petroleum refinery piping and chemical plant piping systems grade B with plane ends according ANSI/ASME B31.3 Process Piping.

For full table with higher Temperatures - rotate the screen!

Carbon Steel Pipes - Pressure and Temperature Ratings - Metric Units
Nominal Size
Schedule no.Wall Thickness
Maximum Allowable Pressure (kPa)
Temperature (oC)
-29 - 382052603503704004301)450
Maximum Allowable Stress (MPa)
15 STD 40 2.77 34416 34416 32528 29255 28910 22372 18589 14972
XS 80 3.73 48092 48092 45466 40878 40396 31260 25969 20918
160 4.78 62830 62830 59378 53404 52777 40837 33929 27333
XXS 7.47 98245 98245 92836 83507 82522 63857 53053 42739
20 STD 40 2.87 28070 28070 26526 23860 23578 18245 15158 12209
XS 80 3.91 39418 39418 37247 33506 33106 25617 21283 17142
160 5.56 58152 58152 54955 49429 48843 37799 31398 25293
XXS 7.82 83107 83107 78539 70643 69809 54024 44881 36152
25 STD 40 3.38 26251 26251 24804 22310 22048 17060 14173 11417
XS 80 4.55 36283 36283 34285 30862 30474 23584 19595 15785
160 6.35 52481 52481 49594 44606 44082 34112 28339 22827
XXS 9.09 77030 77030 72793 65476 64704 50070 41595 33506
32 STD 40 3.56 21614 21614 20421 18369 18155 14049 11672 9404
XS 80 4.85 30178 30178 28518 25651 25348 19616 16295 13125
160 6.35 40596 40596 38364 34505 34099 26389 21924 17659
XXS 9.70 64601 64601 61045 54906 54266 41988 34884 28097
40 STD 40 3.68 19444 19444 18375 16529 16329 12636 10550 8454
XS 80 5.08 27402 27402 25900 23295 23019 17811 14800 11919
160 7.14 39738 39738 37599 33816 33416 25858 21483 17308
XXS 10.16 58779 58799 55547 49966 49374 38205 31742 25569
50 STD 40 3.91 16378 16378 15468 13925 13759 10645 8847 7124
XS 80 5.54 23653 23653 22351 20105 19871 15378 12774 10287
160 8.74 38866 38866 36731 33037 32652 25266 20987 16908
XXS 11.07 50793 50793 48003 43173 42670 33017 27429 22096
65 STD 40 5.16 17914 17914 16929 15227 15048 11644 9674 7793
XS 80 7.01 24818 24818 23447 21097 20849 16129 13401 10797
160 9.53 34615 34615 32714 29420 29076 22503 18693 15055
XXS 14.02 53081 53081 50159 45116 44585 34498 28662 23088
80 STD 40 5.49 15558 15558 14969 13222 13063 10108 8399 6766
XS 80 7.62 21986 21968 20780 18693 18472 14290 11871 9563
160 11.13 33079 33079 31253 28111 27780 21497 17859 14386
XXS 15.24 46976 46976 44392 39928 39459 30536 25369 20436
100 STD 40 6.02 13187 13187 12464 11210 11079 8571 7124 5739
XS 80 8.56 19058 19058 18010 16198 16012 12388 12094 8289
120 11.13 25190 25190 23805 21407 21159 16371 13601 10995
160 13.49 31019 31019 29310 26368 26058 20160 16750 13208
XXS 17.12 40348 40348 38129 34298 33892 26230 21786 17549
125 STD 40 6.55 11561 11561 10921 9825 9708 7510 6243 5038
XS 80 9.53 17060 17060 16122 14503 14331 11093 9212 7421
120 12.70 23130 23130 21855 19657 19430 15034 12492 10059
160 15.88 29407 29407 27787 24997 24701 19113 15881 12795
XXS 19.05 35897 35897 33926 30516 30158 23337 19388 15620
150 STD 40 7.11 10550 10550 9928 8924 8819 6828 5370 4568
XS 80 10.97 16474 16474 15571 14007 13842 10707 8895 7165
120 14.27 21745 21745 20553 18448 18265 14138 11747 9460
XXS 160 18.26 28325 28325 26768 24074 23784 18410 15296 12319
200 20 6.35 7138 7138 6745 6063 5994 4637 3852 3100
30 7.04 7924 7924 7489 6732 6656 5147 4279 3445
STD 40 8.18 9246 9246 8737 7855 7765 6008 4995 4024
60 10.31 11741 11741 11093 9977 9860 7627 6339 5105
XS 80 12.70 14572 14572 13766 12388 12237 9474 7868 6338
100 15.09 17452 17452 16488 14834 14655 11341 9426 7593
120 18.26 21345 21345 20174 18148 17935 13876 11527 9288
140 20.62 24308 24308 22971 20656 20415 15799 13125 10569
XXS 22.23 26334 26334 24877 22386 22124 17115 14221 11458
160 23.01 27340 27340 25838 23240 22964 17769 14765 11892
250 20 6.35 5698 5698 5388 4844 4789 3707 3080 2480
30 7.8 7028 7028 6642 5974 5905 4568 3796 3059
STD 40 9.27 8385 8385 7923 7131 7048 5450 4527 3652
XS 60 12.7 11596 11596 10955 9853 9736 7538 6263 5043
80 15.09 13863 13863 13098 11781 11644 9012 7483 6028
100 18.26 16922 16922 15992 14386 14214 10996 9136 7359
120 21.44 20036 20036 18934 17032 16825 13022 10817 8716
XXS 140 25.4 23998 23998 16474 20394 20153 15599 12960 10438
160 28.58 27229 27229 25734 23143 22875 17700 14703 11844
300 20 6.35 4795 4795 4534 4072 4024 3114 2591 2088
30 8.38 6359 6359 6008 5402 5540 4134 3431 2763
STD 9.53 7241 7241 6842 6153 6084 4706 3914 3149
40 10.31 7854 7854 7421 6676 6601 5015 4244 3417
XS 12.70 9722 9722 9191 8268 8165 6318 5250 4230
60 14.27 10969 10969 10363 9322 9212 7131 5925 4768
80 17.48 13525 13525 12850 11492 11362 8792 7303 5884
100 21.44 16736 16736 15819 14227 14062 10879 9040 7283
XXS 120 25.4 20015 20015 18913 17011 16811 13008 10804 8702
140 28.58 22682 22682 21435 19278 19051 14744 12244 9866
160 33.32 26740 26740 25273 22730 22461 17383 14441 11630
350 10 6.35 4361 4361 4120 3707 3665 2831 2356 1895
20 7.92 5457 5457 5161 4644 4589 3548 2949 2377
STD 30 9.53 6580 6580 6222 5595 5533 4279 3555 2866
40 11.13 7717 7717 7310 6559 6477 5016 4168 3355
XS 12.70 8833 8833 8351 7510 7421 5739 4768 3845
60 15.09 10541 10541 9963 8964 8861 6855 5691 4589
80 19.05 13421 13421 12684 11410 11272 9723 7248 5836
100 23.83 16949 16949 16019 14407 14242 11017 9157 7372
120 27.79 19933 19933 18837 16943 16743 12960 10762 8675
140 31.75 22964 22964 21703 19519 19292 14931 12402 9990
160 35.71 26051 26051 24618 22144 21883 16936 14069 11334
400 10 6.35 3810 3810 3603 3238 3197 2474 2060 1660
20 7.92 4768 4768 4507 4051 4004 3100 2577 2074
STD 30 9.53 5746 5746 5429 4885 4830 3734 3100 2501
XS 40 12.70 7703 7703 7283 6545 6470 5009 4126 3349
60 16.66 10176 10176 9618 8654 8550 6614 5498 4430
80 21.44 13208 13208 12478 11224 11093 8585 7131 5746
100 26.19 16274 16274 15378 13835 13670 10576 8785 7076
120 30.96 19409 19409 18341 16481 16302 12616 10480 8440
140 36.53 23130 23130 21855 19657 19430 15034 12492 10059
160 40.49 25824 25824 24404 21952 21697 16784 13945 11238
450 10 6.35 3383 3383 3197 2873 2839 2198 1826 1474
20 7.92 4230 4230 3996 3597 3555 2749 2287 1839
STD 9.53 5099 5099 4816 4334 4286 3314 2756 2219
XS 30 11.13 5967 5967 5643 5071 5016 3879 3225 2598
12.70 6835 6835 6456 5808 5739 4437 3686 2969
40 14.27 7696 7696 7276 6545 6463 5002 4155 3349
60 19.05 10349 10349 9784 8799 8695 6725 5588 4499
80 23.83 13043 13043 12326 11086 10955 8475 7042 5670
100 29.36 16219 16219 15323 13787 13622 10542 8757 7055
120 34.93 19464 19464 18389 16543 16350 12650 10507 8468
140 39.67 22282 22282 21056 18941 18713 11483 12030 9694
160 45.24 25638 25638 24225 21793 21531 16660 13842 11155
500 10 6.35 3038 3038 2873 2574 2556 1977 1640 1323
STD 20 9.53 4582 4582 4327 3893 3852 2976 2474 1991
XS 30 12.70 6139 6139 5801 5216 5154 3989 3314 2666
40 15.09 7317 7317 6911 6215 6146 4754 3948 3183
60 20.62 10080 10080 9522 8564 8468 6552 5443 4382
80 26.19 12898 12898 12188 10962 10831 8385 6966 5608
100 32.54 16171 16171 15287 13746 13580 10514 8730 7035
120 38.10 19085 19085 18037 16226 16033 12409 10307 8302
140 44.45 22475 22475 21242 19106 18879 14614 12140 9777
160 50.01 25450 25450 24094 21675 21421 16577 13766 11093
600 10 6.35 2529 2529 2391 2150 2129 1647 1364 1102
STD 20 9.53 3810 3810 3603 3238 3197 2474 2060 1660
XS 12.70 5097 5097 4816 4334 4286 3314 2756 2219
30 14.27 5739 5739 5423 4878 4823 3734 3100 2494
40 17.48 7055 7055 6670 5994 5925 4589 3810 3066
60 24.61 10018 10018 9467 8516 8420 6511 5409 4361
80 30.96 12691 12691 12002 10783 10659 8254 6856 5519
100 38.89 16102 16102 15220 13690 10528 10466 8695 7007
120 46.02 19223 19223 18168 16336 16150 12491 10383 8364
140 52.37 22048 22048 20835 18741 18520 14331 11906 9591
160 59.54 25279 25279 23888 21489 21235 16433 13649 10996

1) Due to the possible conversion of carbon to graphite (graphitization) - carbon steel pipes should be avoided for temperatures above 425 oC. Instead Alloy steels should be used.

  • 1 MPa = 106 N/m2

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