Noise - Recommended Exposure Limits (REL)
The National Institute for Occupational Safety - NIOSH - Recommended Exposure Limit - REL - for occupational noise exposure is
- 85 decibels, A-weighted, as an 8-hr Time-Weighted Average -TWA - (85 dBA as an 8-hr TWA)
Note! Exposures at and above this level are considered hazardous.
Exposure to continuous, varying, intermittent, or impulsive noise shall never exceed 140 dBA.
Related Topics
• Acoustics
Room acoustics and acoustic properties. decibel A, B and C calculations. Noise Rating (NR) curves. Sound transmission through walls. Calculate sound pressure, sound intensity and sound attenuation.
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Decibel A, B and C
Sound pressure filters that compensates for the hearing sensed by the human ear.
Noise - Maximum Daily Dose Level
Maximum daily noise dose level when exposed to periods with different levels.
Noise Exposure - Permissible Levels and Duration
Exposure to noise should be controlled so that it is less than a maximum combination of exposure level and duration.
Sound - Leq - Equivalent Level
The EPA Equivalent Sound Level - Leq - quantifies the noise environment to a single value of sound level for any desired duration.
Sound Pressure Level - OSHA A-Weighted per Day
OSHA maximum A-weighted sound pressure levels allowed per day.