Engineering ToolBox - Resources, Tools and Basic Information for Engineering and Design of Technical Applications!

CO2 Calculator - Emissions from Trains

Calculator for CO2 emissions from trains, comparing with alternative forms of transportation (as plane, bus, conventional and electrical cars).

Online CO2calculator for travel by train


By filling in the required information, the calculator below can be used to estimate the CO2emissions from your travels by train.
Additionally, it compares with emissions from alternative ways of travel.

How far do you travel?

Kilometer Miles

How is the utilization of train capasity?

% filled up (for trains, typical average filling degree is between 30 and 55%)

Choose the actual energy source of your train (definitions are given below) :

Diesel Low CO2el Medium CO2el High CO2el

Not sure how far you are going?   See Driving distance between European cities and Flight distances between cities in and between different continents.
See also similar CO2calculators for more details about emissions from cars and airplanes .
Unit converter for conversion to and from non-SI units.

A few words about the assumptions for the calculator:

  • The CO2emissions are strongly dependent on the energy source of the trains. We have used four different classes:
    Diesel:               No electric power
    Low CO2el:       Mainly non-emission electric power (hydroelectric, sun, wind etc)
    Medium CO2el: An even blend of non-emission electric power and power from power plants fired with hydrocarbons (gass, oil or coal)
    High CO2el:      Mainly power from hydrocarbon fired power plants
  • In comparison with alternative ways of travel, the efficiency regard to distance is set to be:
    Train:  1 (reference)
    Bus:   0.95 km/km train
    Car:    0.92 km/km train
    Plane: 0.75 km/km train
    (The difference is due to more straight driving lines for cars and planes)
  • Electrical cars are assumed to have the same electricity source as the trains on electrical power. Diesel trains are compared with electrical cars using Medium CO2el.

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  • The Engineering ToolBox (2017). CO2 Calculator - Emissions from Trains. [online] Available at: [Accessed Day Month Year].

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