Distance between Cities
Flight distances between selected cities in different countries and continents, to be used to calculate CO2 emissions from long distance flights.
Choose the nearest destinations to your trip. Press the buttons to convert from km to miles.
Go to the CO2-calculator to find your contribution to CO2emissions when travelling these distances by plane.
See also driving distance between European cities.
Go to map of Europe with the tabulated cities
For full table with more Cities - rotate the screen!
Country | City | Athenes | Budapest | Copenhagen | Frankfurt | Helsinki | Kiev | London | Madrid | Moscow | Nice | Riga | Rome | Tromsø |
Greece | Athenes | 1125 | 2142 | 1818 | 2493 | 1481 | 2394 | 2380 | 2234 | 1543 | 2113 | 1670 | 3540 | |
Hungary | Budapest | 1125 | 1018 | 836 | 1481 | 882 | 1468 | 1976 | 1564 | 1027 | 1103 | 815 | 2476 | |
Denmark | Copenhagen | 2142 | 1018 | 679 | 893 | 1320 | 959 | 2061 | 1558 | 1387 | 722 | 1530 | 1596 | |
Germany | Frankfurt | 1818 | 836 | 679 | 1528 | 1553 | 633 | 1423 | 2035 | 717 | 1272 | 955 | 2255 | |
Finnland | Helsinki | 2493 | 1481 | 893 | 1528 | 1155 | 1830 | 2950 | 901 | 2202 | 383 | 2219 | 1079 | |
Ukraine | Kiev | 1481 | 882 | 1320 | 1553 | 1155 | 2131 | 2846 | 757 | 1906 | 840 | 1670 | 2230 | |
United Kingdom | London | 2394 | 1468 | 959 | 633 | 1830 | 2131 | 1255 | 2501 | 1029 | 1678 | 1435 | 2253 | |
Spain | Madrid | 2380 | 1976 | 2061 | 1423 | 2950 | 2846 | 1255 | 3431 | 958 | 2695 | 1353 | 3504 | |
Russia | Moscow | 2234 | 1564 | 1558 | 2035 | 901 | 757 | 2501 | 3431 | 2539 | 843 | 2378 | 1803 | |
France | Nice | 1543 | 1027 | 1387 | 717 | 2202 | 1906 | 1029 | 958 | 2539 | 1887 | 474 | 2972 | |
Latvia | Riga | 2113 | 1103 | 722 | 1272 | 383 | 840 | 1678 | 2695 | 843 | 1887 | 1071 | 1440 | |
Italy | Rome | 1670 | 815 | 1530 | 955 | 2219 | 1670 | 1435 | 1353 | 2378 | 474 | 1071 | 3114 | |
Norway | Tromsø | 3540 | 2476 | 1596 | 2255 | 1079 | 2230 | 2253 | 3504 | 1803 | 2972 | 1440 | 3114 | |
All distances are given in km (press the button to get miles ) |
Go to map of America with the tabulated cities
For full table with more Cities - rotate the screen!
Country | City | Buenos Aires | Caracas | Denver | Edmonton | Houston | Lima | Los Angeles | Mexico City | Montreal | New York | Rio de Janeiro | Santiago | Vancouver |
Argentina | Buenos Aires | 5114 | 9555 | 11139 | 8150 | 3141 | 9865 | 7400 | 9047 | 8536 | 1970 | 1139 | 11309 | |
Venezuela | Caracas | 5114 | 4936 | 6295 | 3633 | 2744 | 5823 | 3585 | 3936 | 3422 | 4545 | 4917 | 6703 | |
Colorado | Denver | 9555 | 4936 | 1642 | 1408 | 6446 | 1386 | 2335 | 2604 | 2593 | 9444 | 8879 | 1792 | |
Alberta | Edmonton | 11139 | 6295 | 1642 | 3009 | 8116 | 2189 | 3972 | 2982 | 3261 | 10811 | 10509 | 809 | |
Texas | Houston | 8150 | 3633 | 1408 | 3009 | 5108 | 2223 | 1211 | 2585 | 2263 | 8088 | 7501 | 3190 | |
Peru | Lima |
3141 | 2744 | 6446 | 8116 | 5108 | 6735 | 4260 | 6416 | 5903 | 3696 | 2468 | 8240 | |
California | Los Angeles | 9865 | 5823 | 1386 | 2189 | 2223 | 6735 | 2498 | 3991 | 3959 | 10164 | 9008 | 1743 | |
Mexico | Mexico City | 7400 | 3585 | 2335 | 3972 | 1211 | 4260 | 2498 | 3733 | 3363 | 7699 | 6617 | 3949 | |
Quebec | Montreal | 9047 | 3936 | 2604 | 2982 | 2585 | 6416 | 3991 | 3733 | 534 | 8174 | 8792 | 3697 | |
New York | New York | 8536 | 3422 | 2593 | 3261 | 2263 | 5903 | 3959 | 3363 | 534 | 7732 | 8262 | 3903 | |
Brasil | Rio de Janeiro | 1970 | 4545 | 9444 | 10811 | 8088 | 3696 | 10164 | 7699 | 8174 | 7732 | 2928 | 11224 | |
Chile | Santiago | 1139 | 4917 | 8879 | 10509 | 7501 | 2468 | 9008 | 6617 | 8792 | 8262 | 2928 | 10564 | |
British Colombia | Vancouver | 11309 | 6703 | 1792 | 809 | 3190 | 8240 | 1743 | 3949 | 3697 | 3903 | 11224 | 10564 | |
All distances are given in km (press the button to get miles ) |
Go to map of Middle East and Africa with the tabulated cities
For full table with more Cities - rotate the screen!
Country | City | Cairo | Cape Town | Dakar | Dar es Salaam | Istanbul | Lagos | Las Palmas | Luanda | Mecca | N'Djamena | Rabat | Tehran |
Egypt | Cairo | 7262 | 5269 | 4190 | 1232 | 3946 | 4541 | 4756 | 1280 | 2618 | 3686 | 1963 | |
South Africa | Cape Town | 7262 | 6615 | 3701 | 8411 | 4774 | 7775 | 2842 | 6563 | 5140 | 7990 | 8474 | |
Senegal | Dakar | 5269 | 6615 | 6688 | 5328 | 2446 | 1500 | 4284 | 6070 | 3519 | 2314 | 7161 | |
Tanzania | Dar es Salaam | 4190 | 3701 | 6688 | 5423 | 4247 | 7035 | 2867 | 3138 | 3404 | 6672 | 4898 | |
Turkey | Istanbul | 1232 | 8411 | 5328 | 5423 | 4603 | 4265 | 5777 | 2412 | 3490 | 3317 | 2038 | |
Nigeria | Lagos | 3946 | 4774 | 2446 | 4247 | 4603 | 3117 | 2033 | 4258 | 1426 | 3217 | 5865 | |
Spain | Las Palmas | 4541 | 7775 | 1500 | 7035 | 4265 | 3117 | 5146 | 5594 | 3634 | 964 | 6252 | |
Angola | Luanda | 4756 | 2842 | 4284 | 2867 | 5777 | 2033 | 5146 | 4445 | 2343 | 5212 | 6366 | |
Saudi Arabia | Mecca | 1280 | 6563 | 6070 | 3138 | 2412 | 4258 | 5594 | 4445 | 2832 | 4834 | 1947 | |
Chad | N'Djamena | 2618 | 5140 | 3519 | 3404 | 3490 | 1426 | 3634 | 2343 | 2832 | 3292 | 4490 | |
Morocco | Rabat | 3686 | 7990 | 2314 | 6672 | 3317 | 3217 | 964 | 5212 | 4834 | 3292 | 5324 | |
Iran | Tehran | 1963 | 8474 | 7161 | 4898 | 2038 | 5865 | 6252 | 6366 | 1947 | 4490 | 5324 | |
All distances are given in km (press the button to get miles ) |
Go to map of Asia and Oceania with the tabulated cities
For full table with more Cities - rotate the screen!
Country | City | Bangkok | Beijing | Darwin | Hong Kong | Jakarta | Kabul | New Dehli | Perth | Sydney | Tokyo | Ulaanbaatar | Wellington |
Thailand | Bangkok | 3321 | 4415 | 1691 | 2301 | 3929 | 2945 | 5333 | 7523 | 4592 | 3821 | 9733 | |
China | Beijing | 3321 | 6027 | 1995 | 5244 | 4191 | 3803 | 8018 | 8973 | 2080 | 1150 | 10796 | |
Northern Territory | Darwin | 4415 | 6027 | 4285 | 2750 | 8343 | 7360 | 2656 | 3158 | 5434 | 7120 | 5331 | |
China | Hong Kong | 1691 | 1995 | 4285 | 3263 | 4544 | 3741 | 6043 | 7401 | 2904 | 2891 | 9456 | |
Indonesia | Jakarta | 2301 | 5244 | 2750 | 3263 | 5997 | 4992 | 3033 | 5525 | 5796 | 5986 | 7746 | |
Afganistan | Kabul | 3929 | 4191 | 8343 | 4544 | 5997 | 1006 | 8873 | 11441 | 6271 | 3442 | 13660 | |
India | New Dehli | 2945 | 3803 | 7360 | 3741 | 4992 | 1006 | 7885 | 10441 | 5844 | 3332 | 12663 | |
Western Australia | Perth | 5333 | 8018 | 2656 | 6043 | 3033 | 8873 | 7885 | 3281 | 7926 | 8933 | 5255 | |
New South Wales | Sydney | 7523 | 8973 | 3158 | 7401 | 5525 | 11441 | 10441 | 3281 | 7843 | 10119 | 2227 | |
Japan | Tokyo | 4592 | 2080 | 5434 | 2904 | 5796 | 6271 | 5844 | 7926 | 7843 | 3010 | 9287 | |
Mongilia | Ulaanbaatar | 3821 | 1150 | 7120 | 2891 | 5986 | 3442 | 3332 | 8933 | 10119 | 3010 | 11960 | |
New Sealand | Wellington | 9733 | 10796 | 5331 | 9456 | 7746 | 13660 | 12663 | 5255 | 2227 | 9287 | 11960 | |
All distances are given in km (press the button to get miles ) |
For full table with more Cities - rotate the screen!
Country | City | Beijing | Cape Town | Caracas | Dakar | Frankfurt | Los Angeles | Madrid | Mecca | New Dehli | New York | Rio de Janeiro | Sydney |
China | Beijing | 12959 | 14418 | 12307 | 7801 | 10073 | 9233 | 7210 | 3803 | 11001 | 17263 | 8973 | |
South Africa | Cape Town | 12959 | 10260 | 6615 | 9404 | 16098 | 8595 | 6563 | 9305 | 12595 | 6082 | 11010 | |
Venezuela | Caracas | 14418 | 10260 | 5379 | 8089 | 5823 | 7015 | 11281 | 14221 | 3422 | 4545 | 15368 | |
Senegal | Dakar | 12307 | 6615 | 5379 | 4580 | 10082 | 3168 | 6070 | 9685 | 6147 | 5040 | 17624 | |
Germany | Frankfurt | 7801 | 9404 | 8089 | 4580 | 9332 | 1423 | 4194 | 6132 | 6205 | 9584 | 16512 | |
USA | Los Angeles | 10073 | 16098 | 5823 | 10082 | 9332 | 9396 | 13452 | 12882 | 3959 | 10164 | 12068 | |
Spain | Madrid | 9233 | 8595 | 7015 | 3168 | 1423 | 9396 | 4590 | 7282 | 5782 | 8162 | 17692 | |
Saudi Arabia | Mecca | 7210 | 6563 | 11281 | 6070 | 4194 | 13452 | 4590 | 3839 | 10314 | 10259 | 13253 | |
India | New Dehli | 3803 | 9305 | 14221 | 9685 | 6132 | 12882 | 7282 | 3839 | 11768 | 14086 | 10441 | |
USA | New York | 11001 | 12595 | 3422 | 6147 | 6205 | 3959 | 5782 | 10314 | 11768 | 7732 | 16007 | |
Brasil | Rio de Janeiro | 17263 | 6082 | 4545 | 5040 | 9584 | 10164 | 8162 | 10259 | 14086 | 7732 | 13536 | |
New South Wales | Sydney | 8973 | 11010 | 15368 | 17624 | 16512 | 12068 | 17692 | 13253 | 10441 | 16007 | 13536 | |
All distances are given in km (press the button to get miles ) |
Maps showing the cities given in the tables ( red dots):
Go to table with distances between the cities given with red dots
Go to table with distances between the cities given with red dots
Go to table with distances between the cities given with red dots
Go to table with distances between the cities given with red dots
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