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Distance between Cities

Flight distances between selected cities in different countries and continents, to be used to calculate CO2 emissions from long distance flights.

Choose the nearest destinations to your trip. Press the buttons to convert from km to miles.

Go to the CO2-calculator to find your contribution to CO2emissions when travelling these distances by plane.

See also driving distance between European cities.

Go to map of Europe with the tabulated cities

For full table with more Cities - rotate the screen!

Flight distances between cities in Europe (km)
Country City Athenes Budapest Copenhagen Frankfurt Helsinki Kiev London Madrid Moscow Nice Riga Rome Tromsø
Greece Athenes 1125 2142 1818 2493 1481 2394 2380 2234 1543 2113 1670 3540
Hungary Budapest 1125 1018 836 1481 882 1468 1976 1564 1027 1103 815 2476
Denmark Copenhagen 2142 1018 679 893 1320 959 2061 1558 1387 722 1530 1596
Germany Frankfurt 1818 836 679 1528 1553 633 1423 2035 717 1272 955 2255
Finnland Helsinki 2493 1481 893 1528 1155 1830 2950 901 2202 383 2219 1079
Ukraine Kiev 1481 882 1320 1553 1155 2131 2846 757 1906 840 1670 2230
United Kingdom London 2394 1468 959 633 1830 2131 1255 2501 1029 1678 1435 2253
Spain Madrid 2380 1976 2061 1423 2950 2846 1255 3431 958 2695 1353 3504
Russia Moscow 2234 1564 1558 2035 901 757 2501 3431 2539 843 2378 1803
France Nice 1543 1027 1387 717 2202 1906 1029 958 2539 1887 474 2972
Latvia Riga 2113 1103 722 1272 383 840 1678 2695 843 1887 1071 1440
Italy Rome 1670 815 1530 955 2219 1670 1435 1353 2378 474 1071 3114
Norway Tromsø 3540 2476 1596 2255 1079 2230 2253 3504 1803 2972 1440 3114
All distances are given in km (press the button to get miles )

Go to map of America with the tabulated cities

For full table with more Cities - rotate the screen!

Flight distances between cities in America (km)
Country City Buenos Aires Caracas Denver Edmonton Houston Lima Los Angeles Mexico City Montreal New York Rio de Janeiro Santiago Vancouver
Argentina Buenos Aires 5114 9555 11139 8150 3141 9865 7400 9047 8536 1970 1139 11309
Venezuela Caracas 5114 4936 6295 3633 2744 5823 3585 3936 3422 4545 4917 6703
Colorado Denver 9555 4936 1642 1408 6446 1386 2335 2604 2593 9444 8879 1792
Alberta Edmonton 11139 6295 1642 3009 8116 2189 3972 2982 3261 10811 10509 809
Texas Houston 8150 3633 1408 3009 5108 2223 1211 2585 2263 8088 7501 3190
Peru Lima
3141 2744 6446 8116 5108 6735 4260 6416 5903 3696 2468 8240
California Los Angeles 9865 5823 1386 2189 2223 6735 2498 3991 3959 10164 9008 1743
Mexico Mexico City 7400 3585 2335 3972 1211 4260 2498 3733 3363 7699 6617 3949
Quebec Montreal 9047 3936 2604 2982 2585 6416 3991 3733 534 8174 8792 3697
New York New York 8536 3422 2593 3261 2263 5903 3959 3363 534 7732 8262 3903
Brasil Rio de Janeiro 1970 4545 9444 10811 8088 3696 10164 7699 8174 7732 2928 11224
Chile Santiago 1139 4917 8879 10509 7501 2468 9008 6617 8792 8262 2928 10564
British Colombia Vancouver 11309 6703 1792 809 3190 8240 1743 3949 3697 3903 11224 10564

All distances are given in km (press the button to get miles )

Go to map of Middle East and Africa with the tabulated cities

For full table with more Cities - rotate the screen!

Flight distances between cities in Middle East and Africa (km)
Country City Cairo Cape Town Dakar Dar es Salaam Istanbul Lagos Las Palmas Luanda Mecca N'Djamena Rabat Tehran
Egypt Cairo 7262 5269 4190 1232 3946 4541 4756 1280 2618 3686 1963
South Africa Cape Town 7262 6615 3701 8411 4774 7775 2842 6563 5140 7990 8474
Senegal Dakar 5269 6615 6688 5328 2446 1500 4284 6070 3519 2314 7161
Tanzania Dar es Salaam 4190 3701 6688 5423 4247 7035 2867 3138 3404 6672 4898
Turkey Istanbul 1232 8411 5328 5423 4603 4265 5777 2412 3490 3317 2038
Nigeria Lagos 3946 4774 2446 4247 4603 3117 2033 4258 1426 3217 5865
Spain Las Palmas 4541 7775 1500 7035 4265 3117 5146 5594 3634 964 6252
Angola Luanda 4756 2842 4284 2867 5777 2033 5146 4445 2343 5212 6366
Saudi Arabia Mecca 1280 6563 6070 3138 2412 4258 5594 4445 2832 4834 1947
Chad N'Djamena 2618 5140 3519 3404 3490 1426 3634 2343 2832 3292 4490
Morocco Rabat 3686 7990 2314 6672 3317 3217 964 5212 4834 3292 5324
Iran Tehran 1963 8474 7161 4898 2038 5865 6252 6366 1947 4490 5324
All distances are given in km (press the button to get miles )

Go to map of Asia and Oceania with the tabulated cities

For full table with more Cities - rotate the screen!

Flight distances between cities in Asia and Oceania (km)
Country City Bangkok Beijing Darwin Hong Kong Jakarta Kabul New Dehli Perth Sydney Tokyo Ulaanbaatar Wellington
Thailand Bangkok 3321 4415 1691 2301 3929 2945 5333 7523 4592 3821 9733
China Beijing 3321 6027 1995 5244 4191 3803 8018 8973 2080 1150 10796
Northern Territory Darwin 4415 6027 4285 2750 8343 7360 2656 3158 5434 7120 5331
China Hong Kong 1691 1995 4285 3263 4544 3741 6043 7401 2904 2891 9456
Indonesia Jakarta 2301 5244 2750 3263 5997 4992 3033 5525 5796 5986 7746
Afganistan Kabul 3929 4191 8343 4544 5997 1006 8873 11441 6271 3442 13660
India New Dehli 2945 3803 7360 3741 4992 1006 7885 10441 5844 3332 12663
Western Australia Perth 5333 8018 2656 6043 3033 8873 7885 3281 7926 8933 5255
New South Wales Sydney 7523 8973 3158 7401 5525 11441 10441 3281 7843 10119 2227
Japan Tokyo 4592 2080 5434 2904 5796 6271 5844 7926 7843 3010 9287
Mongilia Ulaanbaatar 3821 1150 7120 2891 5986 3442 3332 8933 10119 3010 11960
New Sealand Wellington 9733 10796 5331 9456 7746 13660 12663 5255 2227 9287 11960
All distances are given in km (press the button to get miles )

For full table with more Cities - rotate the screen!

Flight distances between cities in different continents (km)
Country City Beijing Cape Town Caracas Dakar Frankfurt Los Angeles Madrid Mecca New Dehli New York Rio de Janeiro Sydney
China Beijing 12959 14418 12307 7801 10073 9233 7210 3803 11001 17263 8973
South Africa Cape Town 12959 10260 6615 9404 16098 8595 6563 9305 12595 6082 11010
Venezuela Caracas 14418 10260 5379 8089 5823 7015 11281 14221 3422 4545 15368
Senegal Dakar 12307 6615 5379 4580 10082 3168 6070 9685 6147 5040 17624
Germany Frankfurt 7801 9404 8089 4580 9332 1423 4194 6132 6205 9584 16512
USA Los Angeles 10073 16098 5823 10082 9332 9396 13452 12882 3959 10164 12068
Spain Madrid 9233 8595 7015 3168 1423 9396 4590 7282 5782 8162 17692
Saudi Arabia Mecca 7210 6563 11281 6070 4194 13452 4590 3839 10314 10259 13253
India New Dehli 3803 9305 14221 9685 6132 12882 7282 3839 11768 14086 10441
USA New York 11001 12595 3422 6147 6205 3959 5782 10314 11768 7732 16007
Brasil Rio de Janeiro 17263 6082 4545 5040 9584 10164 8162 10259 14086 7732 13536
New South Wales Sydney 8973 11010 15368 17624 16512 12068 17692 13253 10441 16007 13536
All distances are given in km (press the button to get miles )

Maps showing the cities given in the tables ( red dots):

Map cities Europe

Go to table with distances between the cities given with red dots

Map cities America

Go to table with distances between the cities given with red dots

Map cities Middle East and Africa

Go to table with distances between the cities given with red dots

Map cities Asia and Oceania

Go to table with distances between the cities given with red dots

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  • The Engineering ToolBox (2017). Distance between Cities. [online] Available at: [Accessed Day Month Year].

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