Diaphragm Expansion Tanks
Low temperature diaphragm expansion tank sizing - calculate tank volume and acceptance volume.
Temperature in degrees Fahrenheit and pressure in psig
- initial temperature 50oF
- initial pressure 10 psig
- maximum operating pressure 30 psig
- safety factor aprox. 2
- acceptance factor aprox. 0.5
The diagram below can be used to estimate the tank volume and acceptance volume of a diaphragm expansion tank at low temperatures.
For initial and maximum pressures different from above - multiply the tank size with the a correction factor estimated from the diagram below:
Temperature in degrees Celsius- pressure in kPa
- initial temperature 10oC
- initial pressure 70 kPa
- maximum operating pressure 200 kPa
- safety factor aprox. 2
- acceptance factor aprox. 0.5
The diagram below can be used to estimate the tank volume and acceptance volume of a closed expansion tank at low temperatures.
For initial and maximum pressures different from above - multiply the tank size with the a correction factor estimated from the diagram below:
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