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Nitrogen - Thermal Diffusivity vs. Temperature and Pressure

Figures and tables showing thermal diffusivity of nitrogen at varying temperarure and pressure, SI and Imperial units.

Thermal diffusivity is the rate of transfer of heat of a material from the hot side to the cold side - a measure of how quickly a material can absorb heat from its surroundings . It can be calculated by taking the thermal conductivity divided by density and specific heat capacity at constant pressure.

Thermal diffusivity has the SI derived unit of [m²/s] , and is usually denoted α but a, κ, K, and D are also used. The formula is:

α =k /(ρ CP )            [1]

k = is thermal conductivity [W/(m·K)]
ρ = density [kg/m³]
CP = specific heat capacity [J/(kg·K)]

Below, thermal diffusivity of nitrogen at varying temperatures and 1, 10, 50 and 100 bara (14.5, 145, 725 and 1450 psia) are given in figures and tables .

See also other properties of Nitrogen at varying temperature and pressure : Density and specific weight , Dynamic and kinematic viscosity , Prandtl number , Specific heat (Heat capacity) and Thermal conductivity , and thermophysical properties at standard conditions ,
as well as thermal diffusivity of air , propane and water .

Nitrogen phase diagram

Thermal diffusivity of nitrogen at 1, 10, 50 and 100 bara (14.5, 145, 725 and 1450 psia), and varying temperature given as °C or °F:

Nitrogen thermal diffusivity pressure C

Nitrogen thermal diffusivity pressure F

Thermal diffusivity of nitrogen at gas-liquid equilibrium pressure and varying temperature given as °C or °F:
Nitrogen thermal diffusivity equilibrium C

Nitrogen thermal diffusivity equilibrium F

Thermal diffusivity of gaseous nitrogen at atmospheric pressure and given temperature, SI and Imperial units:

Nitrogen - Thermal Diffusivity vs. Temperature at Atmospheric Pressure
Temperature Thermal diffusivity Temperature Thermal diffusivity
[K] [°C] [x10-6 m2/s] [m2/h] [K] [°F] [x10 -5 ft2/s] [ ft2/h]
78 -195 1.489 0.00536 78 -320 1.577 0.05679
98 -175 2.447 0.00881 89 -300 2.118 0.07626
123 -150 3.934 0.01416 116 -250 3.775 0.1359
148 -125 5.727 0.02062 144 -200 5.843 0.2103
173 -100 7.807 0.02811 172 -150 8.298 0.2987
198 -75 10.16 0.03658 200 -100 11.11 0.4001
223 -50 12.77 0.04597 228 -50 14.27 0.5137
231 -42 13.65 0.04916 231 -44 14.67 0.5281
248 -25 15.62 0.05622 244 -20 16.32 0.5874
263 -10 17.44 0.06277 255 0 17.74 0.6387
268 -5 18.06 0.06501 266 20 19.21 0.6917
278 5 19.33 0.06960 278 40 20.73 0.7464
283 10 19.98 0.07193 283 50 21.51 0.7743
293 20 21.30 0.07670 294 70 23.09 0.8313
298 25 21.98 0.07912 300 80 23.90 0.8604
303 30 22.66 0.08158 305 90 24.72 0.8899
323 50 25.46 0.09167 311 100 25.55 0.9198
348 75 29.14 0.1049 339 150 29.85 1.074
373 100 32.99 0.1187 366 200 34.38 1.238
398 125 37.00 0.1332 394 250 39.14 1.409
423 150 41.16 0.1482 422 300 44.10 1.588
448 175 45.47 0.1637 478 400 54.59 1.965
473 200 49.91 0.1797 533 500 65.75 2.367
573 300 68.88 0.2480 644 700 89.74 3.231
623 350 78.99 0.2844 700 800 102.5 3.689
673 400 89.46 0.3221 755 900 115.6 4.163
773 500 111.4 0.4011 811 1000 129.2 4.652

Thermal diffusivity of nitrogen at given temperature and pressure, SI and Imperial units:

Nitrogen - Thermal Diffusivity vs. Temperature and Pressure
State Temperature Pressure Thermal diffusivity
[K] [°C] [°F] [bara] [psia] [*10-6 m2/s] [m2/h] [x10 -5 ft2/s] [ ft2/h]
Liquid at
63.15 -210.0 -346.0 0.125 1.82 0.09987 3.60E-04 0.1075 0.00387
69 -204 -335 0.332 4.82 0.09523 3.43E-04 0.1025 0.00369
75 -198 -325 0.760 11.0 0.09011 3.24E-04 0.09699 0.00349
79 -194 -317 1.22 17.8 0.08644 3.11E-04 0.09304 0.00335
85 -188 -307 2.29 33.2 0.08053 2.90E-04 0.08668 0.00312
89 -184 -299 3.31 47.9 0.07624 2.74E-04 0.08206 0.00295
95 -178 -289 5.41 78.4 0.06918 2.49E-04 0.07447 0.00268
99 -174 -281 7.26 105 0.06401 2.30E-04 0.06890 0.00248
105 -168 -271 10.8 157 0.05539 1.99E-04 0.05962 0.00215
109 -164 -263 13.8 201 0.04891 1.76E-04 0.05265 0.00190
115 -158 -253 19.4 281 0.03766 1.36E-04 0.04054 0.00146
121 -152 -242 26.4 383 0.02302 8.29E-05 0.02478 0.00089
Gas at
63.15 -210.0 -346.0 0.125 1.82 7.877 0.02836 8.478 0.30523
69 -204 -335 0.332 4.82 3.506 0.01262 3.774 0.13585
75 -198 -325 0.760 11.0 1.763 0.00635 1.897 0.06830
79 -194 -317 1.22 17.8 1.182 0.00426 1.273 0.04582
85 -188 -307 2.29 33.2 0.6937 0.00250 0.7467 0.02688
89 -184 -299 3.31 47.9 0.5022 0.00181 0.5406 0.01946
95 -178 -289 5.41 78.4 0.3198 0.00115 0.3442 0.01239
99 -174 -281 7.26 105 0.2398 8.63E-04 0.2581 0.00929
105 -168 -271 10.8 157 0.1562 5.62E-04 0.1681 0.00605
109 -164 -263 13.8 201 0.1159 4.17E-04 0.1248 0.00449
115 -158 -253 19.4 281 0.06909 2.49E-04 0.07437 0.00268
121 -152 -242 26.4 383 0.03166 1.14E-04 0.03407 0.00123
Liquid 63.17 -210.0 -346.0 1 14.5 0.09991 3.60E-04 0.1075 0.00387
77.24 -195.9 -320.6 1 14.5 0.08808 3.17E-04 0.09481 0.00341
Gas 77.24 -195.9 -320.6 1 14.5 1.402 0.00505 1.509 0.05433
80 -193.2 -315.7 1 14.5 1.529 0.00550 1.645 0.05923
100 -173.2 -279.7 1 14.5 2.548 0.00917 2.743 0.09875
120 -153.2 -243.7 1 14.5 3.754 0.01352 4.041 0.1455
140 -133.2 -207.7 1 14.5 5.151 0.01854 5.544 0.1996
160 -113.2 -171.7 1 14.5 6.721 0.02420 7.234 0.2604
180 -93.2 -135.7 1 14.5 8.464 0.03047 9.110 0.3280
200 -73.2 -99.7 1 14.5 10.38 0.03738 11.18 0.4023
220 -53.2 -63.7 1 14.5 12.44 0.04478 13.39 0.4820
240 -33.2 -27.7 1 14.5 14.67 0.05282 15.79 0.5685
260 -13.2 8.3 1 14.5 17.03 0.06129 18.33 0.6598
280 6.9 44.3 1 14.5 19.56 0.07040 21.05 0.7578
300 26.9 80.3 1 14.5 22.21 0.07997 23.91 0.8608
320 46.9 116.3 1 14.5 24.96 0.08987 26.87 0.9673
340 66.9 152.3 1 14.5 27.88 0.1004 30.01 1.080
360 86.9 188.3 1 14.5 30.89 0.1112 33.25 1.197
400 126.9 260.3 1 14.5 37.28 0.1342 40.13 1.445
500 226.9 440.3 1 14.5 54.88 0.1976 59.08 2.127
600 326.9 620.3 1 14.5 74.31 0.2675 79.99 2.880
700 426.9 800.3 1 14.5 95.24 0.3429 102.5 3.691
800 526.9 980.3 1 14.5 117.5 0.4231 126.5 4.554
900 626.9 1160.3 1 14.5 141.1 0.5081 151.9 5.469
1000 726.9 1340.3 1 14.5 166.3 0.5986 179.0 6.444
Liquid 63.37 -210 -346 10 145 0.1003 3.61E-04 0.1079 0.00388
80 -193 -316 10 145 0.08632 3.11E-04 0.09292 0.00334
100 -173 -280 10 145 0.06318 2.27E-04 0.06800 0.00245
103.8 -169.4 -272.9 10 145 0.05728 2.06E-04 0.06166 0.00222
Gas 103.8 -169.4 -272.9 10 145 0.1710 6.15E-04 0.1840 0.00662
140.0 -133.2 -207.7 10 145 0.4573 0.00165 0.4922 0.01772
160 -113 -172 10 145 0.6261 0.00225 0.6739 0.02426
180 -93 -136 10 145 0.8087 0.00291 0.8704 0.03134
200 -73.2 -99.7 10 145 1.007 0.00363 1.084 0.03903
240 -33.2 -27.7 10 145 1.448 0.00521 1.559 0.05613
300 26.9 80.3 10 145 2.218 0.00798 2.387 0.08593
400 127 260 10 145 3.730 0.01343 4.015 0.1445
500 227 440 10 145 5.489 0.01976 5.908 0.2127
600 327 620 10 145 7.464 0.02687 8.035 0.2892
800 527 980 10 145 11.76 0.04232 12.65 0.4555
1100 827 1520 10 145 19.35 0.06966 20.83 0.7498
1600 1327 2420 10 145 35.06 0.1262 37.74 1.359
Liquid 100 -173 -280 50 725 0.07101 2.56E-04 0.07643 0.00275
600 327 620 50 725 1.529 0.00550 1.646 0.05925
1100 827 1520 50 725 3.933 0.01416 4.233 0.1524
1600 1327 2420 50 725 7.093 0.02553 7.635 0.2748
Liquid 65.32 -208 -342 100 1450 0.1035 3.73E-04 0.1114 0.00401
80 -193 -316 100 1450 0.09376 3.38E-04 0.1009 0.00363
100 -173 -280 100 1450 0.07813 2.81E-04 0.084 0.00303
200 -73.2 -99.7 100 1450 0.09050 3.26E-04 0.097 0.00351
300 26.9 80.3 100 1450 0.2333 8.40E-04 0.2511 0.00904
400 127 260 100 1450 0.4001 0.00144 0.4307 0.01550
500 227 440 100 1450 0.5882 0.00212 0.6331 0.02279
600 327 620 100 1450 0.7922 0.00285 0.8527 0.03070
1100 827 1520 100 1450 2.008 0.00723 2.162 0.07782
1600 1327 2420 100 1450 3.598 0.01295 3.873 0.1394

Unit conversion thermal diffusivity:

square feet/second [ft2/s], square feet/hour [ft2/h], square meter/hour [m2/h], square meter/second [m2/s]

  • 1 ft2/h = 2.7778x10-4 ft2/s = 0.09290 m2/h = 2.581x10 -5 m2/s
  • 1 ft2/s = 3600 ft2/h = 334.45 m2/h = 0.09290 m2/s
  • 1 m2/h = 2.7778x10-4 m2/s = 10.7639 ft2/h = 0.002990 ft2/s
  • 1 m2/s = 3600 m2/h = 38750.1 ft2/h = 10.7639 ft2/s

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