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Metric Nuts - Proof Loads

Proof loads of metric nuts - coarse and fine threads.

Metric Nut

Metric Nuts - Coarse Threads

Proof Load

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Metric Nuts - Coarse Threads - Proof Loads
Property Class
Proof Load - Fp (N)
M5 0.80 5400 7100 8250 9500 12140 13000 14800 16300
M6 1.00 7640 10000 11700 13500 17200 18400 20900 23100
M7 1.00 11000 14500 16800 19400 24700 26400 30100 33200
M8 1.25 13900 18300 21600 24900 31800 34400 38100 42500
M10 1.50 22000 29000 34200 39400 50500 54500 60300 67300
M12 1.75 32000 42200 51400 59000 74200 80100 88500 100300
M14 2.00 43700 57500 70200 80500 101200 109300 120800 136900
M16 2.00 59700 78500 95800 109900 138200 149200 164900 186800
M18 2.50 73000 96000 121000 138200 176600 176600 203500 230400
M20 2.50 93100 122500 154400 176400 225400 225400 259700 294000
M22 2.50 115000 151500 190900 218200 278800 278800 321200 363600
M24 3.00 134100 176500 222400 254200 324800 324800 374200 423600
M27 3.00 174400 229500 289200 330500 422300 422300 486500 550800
M30 3.50 213200 280500 353400 403900 516100 516100 594700 673200
M33 3.50 263700 347000 437200 499700 638500 638500 735600 832800
M36 4.00 310500 408500 514700 588200 751600 751600 866000 980400
M39 4.00 370900 488000 614900 702700 897900 897900 1035000 1171000

Metric Nuts - Fine Threads

Proof Load

Metric Nuts - Fine Threads - Proof Loads
Property Class
Proof Load - Fp (N)
M8 1.00 14900 19600 27000 30200 37400 43100 47000
M 10 1.25 23300 30600 44200 47100 58400 67300 73400
M10 1.00 24500 32200 44500 49700 61600 71000 77400
M12 1.50 33500 44000 60800 68700 84100 97800 105700
M12 1.25 35000 46000 63500 71800 88000 102200 110500
M14 1.50 47500 62500 86300 97500 119400 138800 150000
M16 1.50 63500 83500 115200 130300 159500 185400 200400
M18 2.00 77500 102000 146900 177500 210100 220300
M18 1.50 81700 107500 154800 187000 221500 232200
M20 2.00 98000 129000 185800 224500 265700 278600
M20 1.50 103400 136000 195800 236600 280200 293800
M22 2.00 120800 159000 229000 276700 327500 343400
M22 1.50 126500 166500 239800 289700 343000 359600
M24 2.00 145900 192000 276500 334100 395500 414700
M27 2.00 188500 248000 351100 431500 510900 535700
M30 2.00 236000 310500 447100 540300 639600 670700
M33 2.00 289200 380500 547900 662100 783800 821900
M36 3.00 328700 432500 622800 804400 942800 934200
M39 3.00 391400 515000 741600 957900 1123000 1112000

Proof loads for metric nuts according ISO 898-1 "Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon steel and alloy steel - Part 2: Nuts with specified property classes - Coarse thread and fine pitch thread".

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